Month: March 2024

people who talked the most were Wang Bo, her niece Liang Ya, and Wang Bo’s ex-girlfriend Sun Li. The emotional entanglement between two juniors.


people who talked the most were Wang Bo, her niece Liang Ya, and Wang Bo’s ex-girlfriend Sun Li. The emotional entanglement between two juniors. Facing her own sister, Cheng Wenjin had nothing to hide, so she laid out the confusing relationship between the three of them to her sister. Cheng Wenxuan also learned the name […]

rl was asleep.


rl was asleep. However, as soon as he squatted down, two eyes shot towards him. This gaze was unusually bright, like lightning, and even in the dark night with only weak light, it was unusually clear, like two shining stars or gems, looking at him without blinking. Wang Bo, who was unprepared, was immediately startled […]

e and shocking.


e and shocking. can I have a boyfriend? I am doing an autopsy in one day. Frogs and toads don’t have time, so how can they have the time to fall in love! It’s not like you don’t know how heavy the study tasks of our medical university students are all day long!” This is […]

n’t you tell them that we were hiding in the dark when you fired? Alice’s It’s not like you don’t know what I’m capable of. I, a half-baked G-virus evolver, am not looking for death when I meet her TG fusion? Who will protect you then?”


n’t you tell them that we were hiding in the dark when you fired? Alice’s It’s not like you don’t know what I’m capable of. I, a half-baked G-virus evolver, am not looking for death when I meet her TG fusion? Who will protect you then?” Yin Kuang mentioned Alice on purpose. He just wanted […]

ed a rental contract with the landlord, and I passed by the neighborhood once.” Xia Xue was startled, thinking, could it be that she and the landlord yesterday afternoon When Yuan Wangqiang and Chen Ziyang stood on the roadside and looked at each other, were they noticed by the other party?


ed a rental contract with the landlord, and I passed by the neighborhood once.” Xia Xue was startled, thinking, could it be that she and the landlord yesterday afternoon When Yuan Wangqiang and Chen Ziyang stood on the roadside and looked at each other, were they noticed by the other party? “There were two boys […]

er legs. She can give people a big impact just by standing. She sits and lies like this, with her two long skirts wrapped in silk-colored silk clothes overlapping each other. Half hidden and half released, Wang Bo was unable to move in an instant and could not continue to speak.


er legs. She can give people a big impact just by standing. She sits and lies like this, with her two long skirts wrapped in silk-colored silk clothes overlapping each other. Half hidden and half released, Wang Bo was unable to move in an instant and could not continue to speak. “It’s okay! Of course […]