Author: sangna

that it was caused by the accumulation of a large number of magic crystals, especially the soul magic crystal, which directly saved Master Xiaon who almost fell down the level that day. .


that it was caused by the accumulation of a large number of magic crystals, especially the soul magic crystal, which directly saved Master Xiaon who almost fell down the level that day. . Now Mr. Sean, even if he has not regained the strength of his heyday, he is not too far behind. Such a […]

This is nothing, during the battle with the Flying Dragon King, bipedal flying dragons kept rushing towards him, so that in just a few minutes, there were more than a dozen wounds on his body.


This is nothing, during the battle with the Flying Dragon King, bipedal flying dragons kept rushing towards him, so that in just a few minutes, there were more than a dozen wounds on his body. This is still a conspiracy between the three major mercenary forces under the condition of protecting the body and fighting […]

d to be quiet at this moment.


d to be quiet at this moment. The next second, the light beam dissipated, and the huge dazzling mask instantly collapsed, followed by a huge roar. boom! It was like countless thunders exploded in everyone’s ears at the same time. Then Thorne and the others turned around and saw an extremely terrifying scene. The top […]

I’ll see how long you can endure it.


I’ll see how long you can endure it. Thinking of this, Du Bois made up his mind and started attacking without saying a word, releasing spells one after another. From time to time, he released an extraordinary spell. On the other side, Lin Yun flew away without saying a word, heading straight for the Wind […]

nd earth suddenly exerted a repulsive force on him.


nd earth suddenly exerted a repulsive force on him. “The access rights have expired?” This thought flashed through Zhang Jian’s mind, and in an instant he felt that his innate soul had withdrawn from the context of the laws of heaven and earth. It was just a magnificent divine light that emanated from his body […]

Yun gritted his teeth and instantly made three boulders fall, hitting the top of the ice-covered ground hard. Then several more meteorites lined up and hit the ground one after another.


Yun gritted his teeth and instantly made three boulders fall, hitting the top of the ice-covered ground hard. Then several more meteorites lined up and hit the ground one after another. The huge sword of frost was like a huge nail driven into the head of the Guard of Destruction. When hit by a spell, […]

bts and some vigilance.


bts and some vigilance. Soon, Lin Yun analyzed the structure of this alchemy array. Then Lin Yun discovered that this alchemy circle had no source of magic power! Lin Yun was immediately surprised by this discovery? At first, he thought that there was an error in his analysis, or that there was something wrong with […]