Month: May 2024

looking at him.


looking at him. Everywhere you go, everything will undergo strange changes under the light of the glass mirror. “It’s really shocking that my attribute ability has been simply strengthened to the point of producing glazed mirror light.” A thought flashed through Lin Xin’s mind. “Absolutely, absolutely no one should know the secret of my cause.” […]

re was any further hesitation, no one would be able to leave.


He hesitated, and Heshen rushed out after Nan Zhaorong. Murong Cheng followed closely behind, but without saying a word, his speed increased sharply, and he actually caught up from behind. Fly to the front. “A certain family takes the first step! Young Master, Miss, take care!” His face condensed, and his whole body suddenly lit […]

eplenished by spiritual jade. No wonder the monks cannot expand too many outer areas or establish strongholds in the outer areas. Perhaps except for Yangquan, there is no way to stay in the outer realm for a long time.


eplenished by spiritual jade. No wonder the monks cannot expand too many outer areas or establish strongholds in the outer areas. Perhaps except for Yangquan, there is no way to stay in the outer realm for a long time. It was almost time to rest. Lin Xin stood up and pulled out the red flower […]

o pieces.


o pieces. Lin Zhen, Lin Luo and others stared at the sky with livid faces. All the Jindan masters also looked extremely ugly, but they were also frightened by the opponent’s sword. Their magic weapons were unable to lock onto each other at this time, as if there was no air at all. Magic weapons […]

ad already fallen to the ground.


ad already fallen to the ground. Looking at the man who fell in front of her, Princess Bihua sighed secretly, feeling regretful. For the first time in her life, she met a person whose intelligence was enough for her to use without any need to use puppetry to control his mind. Unfortunately, in the end, […]

his neat teeth and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.


his neat teeth and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone. Hearing this, Li Ping secretly breathed a sigh of relief. From the perspective of the overall situation, he should have felt sorry. If Lord Haisheng was a chess piece played by the emperor, the current war would be much easier. However, for some […]


” … “Master Jun, if you want to blame me, it’s because you got the “Illustrated Book of Divine Positions.”” In mid-air, the old demon sat high in the dark Lian smiled, her fingers suddenly opened, and the black energy condensed into thirteen demon heads, whistling and flying towards Zhou Jijun. Almost at the same […]