e and shocking.


e and shocking.
can I have a boyfriend? I am doing an autopsy in one day. Frogs and toads don’t have time, so how can they have the time to fall in love! It’s not like you don’t know how heavy the study tasks of our medical university students are all day long!” This is a fact, human life is at stake, and those who study medicine are indeed Students in other majors need to learn more than students in other majors. They not only need to use their brains but also their hands. Therefore, it usually takes five years to graduate from an undergraduate degree in a medical university.
/When the two of them saw Han Lin’s seriousness, they believed it at first. If Han Lin finds a boyfriend, there is really no need to hide it. It is not a shameful thing to lie to them. Neither of them expected that the person Han Lin was looking for was indeed “shady”.
Xu Jing also nodded and said, “Yes. ! Why can Sun Li be the boss’s girlfriend, but you can’t? She can be the first grader, why can’t you be the fifth grader?” She was thinking about Sun Li’s way of taking advantage of the conflict between Liang Ya and Wang Bo. Still a little bit dissatisfied.
First of all, the cosmetics placed on Han Lin’s desk are all printed with foreign characters, such as “Estee/Lauder”, “SK-II”, and “CD”. Han Lin’s parents may not know what these foreign characters mean, but they often go shopping. , how could they go shopping in the mall and not recognize the things these women use? A small bottle or a small jar can cost one or two hundred, or even hundreds. Just the few items on the table, the two of them roughly estimated, at least thousands! Why is Han Lin willing to buy these? Where did she get the money? You must know that Han Lin’s parents are just ordinary office workers, and they are not officials. Han Lin’s monthly living expenses are about 400 to 500 yuan a month. It is impossible for Han Lin to have spare money to buy them. This kind of high-end cosmetics, and you can buy several of them in one purchase!
In addition to cosmetics, the two also discovered that the clothes in Han Lin’s wardrobe, whether they were ordinary jeans, T-shirts, skirts, winter coats, or down jackets, were almost all branded products from the mall, and none of them were cheap!
They and Han Lin were not outsiders, but close friends and best friends who were so good that they could wear a pair of pants. The shocked two people questioned Han Lin on the spot, asking her to explain honestly and honestly, where did these things that were beyond her financial scope come from!
“It’s just a few knockoffs, why are you surprised?” As soon as Han Lin saw the two guys going through her closet, she started to scream in her heart. She wanted to stop them, but it was already too late.
“What a knockoff! I’ll give you the money, and you can go buy me a few identical knockoffs, okay?” Little Pepper Xu Jing rolled her eyes at Han Lin and said, “Be honest, Lingzi, where did you get the money to buy these branded goods?” ? And the perfumes and cosmetics on your desk are not aff

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