people who talked the most were Wang Bo, her niece Liang Ya, and Wang Bo’s ex-girlfriend Sun Li. The emotional entanglement between two juniors.


people who talked the most were Wang Bo, her niece Liang Ya, and Wang Bo’s ex-girlfriend Sun Li. The emotional entanglement between two juniors.
Facing her own sister, Cheng Wenjin had nothing to hide, so she laid out the confusing relationship between the three of them to her sister. Cheng Wenxuan also learned the name of Sun Li, a girl who was said to be as good as her niece in appearance.
Cheng Wenxuan at that time was naturally shocked after hearing this. The young couple, who thought it was just a temporary conflict and would reconcile sooner or later, actually had other girls take advantage of them and “occupy the magpie’s nest” during the conflict. Cheng Wenxuan immediately scolded Cheng Wenjin and Liang Ya from the perspective of the same enemy. He said a few words to Sun Li and said a lot of unpleasant things. In Cheng Wenxuan’s mind, her niece must have done nothing wrong; Wang Bo, her little boss, uh, she didn’t dare to say that she was at fault. In the end, she could only blame the girl named Sun Li for all the faults, and gave Sun Li a lot of deductions. Hats like “vixen” and “little bitch”.
Then, after learning that the girl who stole her niece’s boyfriend voluntarily quit, the angry Cheng Wenxuan immediately became elated again and was extremely lucky. She took the opportunity to give her Yaomei an idea and asked her to persuade Liang Ya, while Wang Bo and Sun Li When conflicts arise, hurry up and “fill the gap.” Don’t miss the opportunity. If you lose it, you will never come back. You must hold on to Wang Bo, the “potential stock” and “good husband” that is “hard to find in a hundred years and rare in a thousand years.” Don’t let it go. Other women with ulterior motives took advantage of the situation.
“If it is for Sun Li to live in, he has a lot of house and it makes sense to take care of his ex-girlfriend.
” But why did Xiaobo ask me to keep it a secret for him and not tell others? “Does this kid want to?” From Wang Bo’s unusual words, Cheng Wenxuan tasted some unusual and unfavorable connotations for her niece Liang Ya. At
ten o’clock in the evening, the two sisters were getting ready to go to bed. Cheng Wenjin saw Cheng Wenxuan kicking off her slippers. , crawled towards his bed, smiled and said: “Sister, what are you doing? Xiao Bo’s room is vacant. Why don’t you go sleep in his room?
“I don’t dare sleep in the boss’s room! ” I can still sleep next to you. I’m going back to Shanghai the day after tomorrow. It’s rare for the two sisters to see each other twice a year. Before I go back, let’s have a heart-to-heart talk. “Cheng Wenxuan said.
“Didn’t we tell you everything in Shuangqing? Is there anything else we can talk about that is more intimate?” Cheng Wenjin said.
“Where can I finish my words? I finish my words when I die. Lao Wu, please find me a bed and get the air conditioner out. I will sleep here tonight.” Cheng Wenxuan pushed Cheng Wenjin’s arm and urged.
/Cheng Wenjin shook her head helplessly and had no choice but to comply with her fifth sister’s wishes.
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