like a loach pried between his teeth. , took the initiative to come in.


like a loach pried between his teeth. , took the initiative to come in.
Wang Bo’s mind exploded and suddenly became blank. All sorrow and guilt disappeared and were thrown out of his mind. Wang Bo moved his hands back and forth on the bumps pressing on his body, then hugged him with both hands and exerted force, and the two of them changed positions, from a woman on top and a man on top to a man on top and a woman on top. Wang Bo inserted his hands into Ma Liting’s thick, fragrant black hair, held her face, and kissed the girl wantonly.
There is wine today and you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow. It is useless to think about the worries in the future. It is better to seize the present first and take care of the beautiful girl/baby who has thrown yourself into your arms and feel comfortable before thinking about other things.
Li Junhua returned to his bedroom, turned off the light and went to bed. For a while, he was not sleepy at all, and his mind kept thinking about the conversation he had with Wang Bo not long ago.
My cousin actually has two things to do? ! And the most surprising thing is that Liang Ya is willing to share a boy with another girl even though she knows that he has not broken up with Sun Li and is unlikely to break up in the future. It is really strange in the world!
She has actually seen her cousin’s ability to put his feet on both sides. For example, her best friend Dong Zhen hooked up with the other party when she knew that the other party had a girlfriend. But Dong Zhen’s situation is completely different from Liang Ya’s. Dong Zhen and Wang Bo, it was Dong Zhen who took the initiative to knock on Wang Bo’s door in the middle of the night and have a heart-to-heart talk with Wang Bo, and then the man and the woman were alone, making fire and fire, and they got involved inexplicably. The two of them are not so much boyfriend and girlfriend, but sex/partners. From beginning to end, the two never revealed their relationship in front of others. Moreover, after Wang Bo graduated from middle school, their shady relationship ended.
/Therefore, the relationship between the two can only be regarded as a bad relationship, done “out of necessity”, and the time for its end was set in advance.
But Liang Ya is different. These two people are blatantly walking together!
“I’m not afraid of gossip from people around me!” Li Junhua, who was lying on his side, spat in a low voice, “The same goes for that brat Bobo. With Sun Li, he and Dong Zhen have been playing around for a year and a half. The two of them do that kind of thing together. I don’t know how many times I’ve done it, but I can tell from Dong Zhen’s often flushed face that no matter how curious she is about women and no matter how much she thinks about things like that, she should be satisfied? Could it be that Dong Zhen is alone in Shuangqing? No, Sun Li also went to Beijing, and then she became unbearably lonely and couldn’t control her lower body? It’s very possible! I heard that boys have always been ver

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