er legs. She can give people a big impact just by standing. She sits and lies like this, with her two long skirts wrapped in silk-colored silk clothes overlapping each other. Half hidden and half released, Wang Bo was unable to move in an instant and could not continue to speak.


er legs. She can give people a big impact just by standing. She sits and lies like this, with her two long skirts wrapped in silk-colored silk clothes overlapping each other. Half hidden and half released, Wang Bo was unable to move in an instant and could not continue to speak.
“It’s okay! Of course it will be uncomfortable if you lie down for a long time, and your waist and back will hurt. However, if you just lie down for half an hour or an hour, it will be fine.” Ning
/Qian, who was lying on the stool, was explaining to Wang Bo when she suddenly saw He lost his voice, so he looked up and saw that the big boy opposite her was motionless, his Adam’s apple bulging, as if he was swallowing saliva, and his eyes were staring at her overlapping eyes.
“Ah!” Ning Qian exclaimed, immediately sat up, closed her eyes tightly, and subconsciously used her hands to pull the hem of the short-haired man. The girl’s face turned red again, as if soaked in blood. Ning Qian lowered her head, feeling extremely embarrassed and did not dare to look at Wang Bo opposite her.
“Uh, I’m sorry, Ning Qian, the way you looked just now was too sentimental. I really can’t turn a blind eye.” ”
You still said?” Ning Qian suddenly raised her head, with shame and urgency in her eyes. The scene just now made her embarrassed. And the guy opposite not only took advantage of her with his eyes, but now he wanted to say it out. He was really “behaving well even though he got the advantage”, and he was a bit “excessive”.
Haha, I won’t tell you, I won’t tell you!” Wang Bo looked at the shy and embarrassed girl in front of him, My heart felt like I had eaten ice cream on a June day, and it was so refreshing. He has always felt that the most beautiful thing about a girl is the extremely happy and extremely “painful” expression she shows at the moment when she and the man she loves reach the climax! In addition, when they blush, this is an effect that no amount of cosmetics can ever achieve!
The atmosphere was a little delicate, the scene a little awkward, and the two of them were silent for a while.
“Ning Qian, what does your boyfriend do?” A minute later, Wang Bo, who felt uncomfortable, suddenly broke the silence and said casually.
“I don’t have a boyfriend yet,” Ning Qian said in a low voice, still lowering her head, not daring to look at the person opposite. The piggy look that the other person had just stared at her and swallowed her saliva was still on her face. Flashing back and forth in my mind, wandering.
“No way? You are so beautiful, there is no way no one is chasing you! Isn’t it because you are too demanding?” Wang Bo joked.
“No way!” Ning Qian suddenly raised her head, glanced at Wang Bo intently, then looked away, combing the hair around her ears with her hands, “I haven’t met the right person for you yet, your daughter What are your friends doing? Are they also students?” She suddenly turned her head again and looked at Wang Bo with calm eyes.
“Like you, I don’t have a girlfriend either!” Wang Bo spread his hands and looke

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