n’t you tell them that we were hiding in the dark when you fired? Alice’s It’s not like you don’t know what I’m capable of. I, a half-baked G-virus evolver, am not looking for death when I meet her TG fusion? Who will protect you then?”


n’t you tell them that we were hiding in the dark when you fired? Alice’s It’s not like you don’t know what I’m capable of. I, a half-baked G-virus evolver, am not looking for death when I meet her TG fusion? Who will protect you then?”
/Yin Kuang mentioned Alice on purpose. He just wanted to expose King Ada’s scars when she was filled with resentment. Although this was a bit cruel, Yin Kuang couldn’t care less. Besides, seeing King Ada as cold as an ice sculpture, Yin Kuang couldn’t help but be jealous of the “pig’s feet” named Leon. At this moment, he was filled with anger in his heart, “Grandma! I’m taking advantage of you. One Alice and one Claire won’t grind your stick into a needle? 3P, how many men’s dreams are there?”
King Ada said “swish” He inserted the pistol into the holster of his right thigh, raised his eyes at Yin Kuang, and said, “Now Alice is looking for Alice. What do you want to do?” Yin Kuang said “uh” in his heart, and suddenly felt like punching him. Feeling the feeling in the cotton, he muttered in his heart, “She is really calm. She deserves to be an elite agent.” But when he thought about it again, Yin Kuang laughed in his heart, “The calmer she is, the angrier she is. I Let’s see how she does.” He said: “I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to deal with Alice alone. Since we have an agreement with Wesker, I have to find a way to capture her alive. So” ”
Don’t worry. My The mission is the G virus.” King Ada suddenly smiled and said: “If you give me the G virus, maybe I can consider helping you. According to what you said, it is an agreement between you and Wesker, not mine. Mine The mission is just to obtain the G virus.” As she said that, she stretched out a hand towards Yin Kuang. The beautiful willow eyebrows were raised. Yin Kuang pursed his lips and smiled, took out the G virus from his pocket, held it between his fingertips and shook it, then handed it to King Ada. But when King Ada reached out to grab it, Yin Kuang’s hand suddenly shrank. King Ada made a mistake. Yin Kuang’s smile deepened, and the G-virus caught in it dangled in front of King Ada’s eyes. King Ada frowned, and when he grasped the lightning, he only caught air.
King Ada was tricked by Yin Kuang twice in a row, but instead of getting angry, he suddenly showed a bright smile. Although in Yin Kuang’s eyes, this bright smile was tinged with coldness, he had to say, “You look beautiful when you smile.” Yin Kuang said.
King Ada suddenly kicked out, throwing up a stream of sand towards Yin Kuang. Yin Kuang’s free hand subconsciously blocked his eyes. Then Yin Kuang smelled a fragrant breeze, and then she felt a coldness coming from a certain direction, and a certain point on her right rib was the most sensitive. Yin Kuang did not dare to be careless, closed his eyes, and activated the G Eye Technique. At the same time, the hand holding back the sand pressed down to block the incoming hand. As soon as I grabbed it, the hand slipped away like a loach. Then Yin Kuang saw a light red figure crash into him. At this t

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