paper bags for clothes. My girlfriend mentioned it, it’s too much, it’s too damn much.”


paper bags for clothes. My girlfriend mentioned it, it’s too much, it’s too damn much.”
Wang Bo didn’t know that the saleswoman with a smile on her face, nodding and bowing and shouting “Welcome to visit next time” had already despised him completely in her heart, and the next time, He helped Zheng Yan choose a tight-fitting waist dress.
/“Mr. Wang, didn’t you say you want to buy professional clothes? Can you wear this to work?” At Wang Bo’s urging, Zheng Yan put on a pure black tight-fitting waist dress and looked at herself in the mirror. ting//Pull out chest//chest, a belly that is not full of a handful, then a plump//ting, smooth tun//part, and below that is a pair of slender and straight long legs, Zheng Yan’s Her face was extremely red, completely black, white as snow, and her pretty face looked like burning clouds in the sky. She only glanced at it and quickly looked away.
“Can you wear it? Why can’t you wear it? Haha, but Yanzi, this dress is really inappropriate in school. It looks too beautiful and sexy on you. If a group of junior students in the school who have never seen the world see it, they will probably be shocked. Not in the mood for class.
“However, it is not suitable to wear in school, but it is perfect to wear at some cocktail parties and banquets. Buy it. This color and style will match you well.” Wang Bo stood side by side with Zheng Yan Looking at the girl in the mirror with picturesque features, graceful appearance, pure and sexy look, he still called her by the nickname he had heard classmate Zheng Yan call her. Now that the name “Swallow” has been called out, Zheng Yan has no objection. He knows that the other party is not easy to object, so Wang Bo has no intention of calling him back.
“Yes, I will follow him from now on. As his personal assistant, I will definitely attend some high-end banquets. I don’t have any clothes for such occasions yet. How about buying them?” Wang Bo’s words made Zheng Yan confused. meditation. However, she still said with some uncertainty:
/“But, is this skirt a little too revealing?” Except for swimsuits, she had never worn such close-fitting clothes, which almost covered her breasts and tun// Her lower body was highlighted without any obstruction, and both the neckline in the front and the skirt below were cut so low. Wearing this dress gave her the illusion of wearing a one-piece swimsuit, an insecurity of being exposed to the eyes of countless people.
“Don’t you think it’s too exposed? Haha, Yanzi, it’s mainly because you’re not used to it yet, and you’re still looking at things like a student. Society is still very different from campus, and you have to adapt to this slowly.” Wang Bo comforted explain. He glanced at Zheng Yan in the mirror again, and then didn’t dare to look again, because the woman in the mirror was so beautiful. Wang Bo was worried that if he looked at it a few more times, it would be funny if he couldn’t help but have a physiological reaction.
Zheng Yan finally listened to Wang Bo’s advice and asked the salesperson to wr

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