ed a rental contract with the landlord, and I passed by the neighborhood once.” Xia Xue was startled, thinking, could it be that she and the landlord yesterday afternoon When Yuan Wangqiang and Chen Ziyang stood on the roadside and looked at each other, were they noticed by the other party?


ed a rental contract with the landlord, and I passed by the neighborhood once.” Xia Xue was startled, thinking, could it be that she and the landlord yesterday afternoon When Yuan Wangqiang and Chen Ziyang stood on the roadside and looked at each other, were they noticed by the other party?
“There were two boys at that time, right? Your boyfriend?” Wang Bo smiled mysteriously.
/Xia Xue’s face turned red and she shook her head like a rattle. “No! It’s just two senior brothers! They are also from the University of Paris. They accompanied me to sign the contract yesterday.”
“Oh, really? What did your two senior brothers study?”
“Yuan Wangqiang and senior Yuan studied finance. This year Already in the third year of graduate school; Chen Ziyang, senior brother Chen majored in computer science, graduated this year, and is now looking for a job.” Then, Xia Xue told Wang Bo about her two senior brothers.
After Ning Qian left, within a day, Wang Bo, who was alone, felt a biting loneliness. He ate alone, went shopping alone, and slept alone at night. The time that seemed to fly by suddenly became longer. The surrounding scenery, whether it be streets or historical sites, is still beautiful and magnificent, revealing the simplicity and vicissitudes of history. However, because no one shares it, it gradually begins to fade and becomes less charming than when Ning Qian was there.
There are beautiful mountains, rivers and beautiful scenery, but it’s also so fucking boring! After just one day alone, Wang Bo felt the feeling of being “lonely and cold” and “being a stranger in a foreign land”.
This is also why when he sees a compatriot whom he has met twice, he will feel a special sense of intimacy in his heart, and then he will take the initiative to talk to the other person, killing more and more time that is becoming more and more difficult to pass. .
“Mr. Wang, how long do you plan to stay in Paris? Will you go to other places?” Xia Xue asked during the chat.
“You’re kidding, Mr. Wang. As long as you don’t go to District 17, District 18, District 19, and District 20, which have many Arab and African immigrants, other places are generally relatively safe. My mobile phone number is 0646/ 370/491, if you think it is appropriate, just remember one.” Xia Xue reported her mobile phone number in a low voice.
/“There’s nothing inappropriate. Thanks, Xia Xue. There’s one more compatriot I can contact in the phone book, and I feel more at ease. I’ll call you, and you can also take note of my phone number. But I’m from China. Mobile Global Telecom may be more expensive for you to call, but you can send text messages!” Wang Bo said as he wrote down Xia Xue’s phone number, and at the same time remembered several areas with poor public security that the other party told him. When he heard it, it turned out to be A place where there are many Lao Ah and Lao Hei.
This is similar to the situation in other countries around the world. Where there are many old people and old black people gathering together, the public security is

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