rl was asleep.


rl was asleep.
However, as soon as he squatted down, two eyes shot towards him. This gaze was unusually bright, like lightning, and even in the dark night with only weak light, it was unusually clear, like two shining stars or gems, looking at him without blinking.
Wang Bo, who was unprepared, was immediately startled and almost ran away instinctively. Before he could get up, he immediately realized the purpose of his coming:
/How could the flower-picking thief be scared away by the flowers?
As soon as Liang Ya walked to the separation between the bedroom and the small living room in the dark, she was hugged by Wang Bo. Liang Ya stiffened and quickly hugged Wang Bo tightly. All the struggles and hesitations fell apart in front of the strong embrace of the boy in front of him, and were shattered into pieces. At this moment, she was excited and cheering with only one thought in her mind, and that was:
Liang Ya was startled by Wang Bo’s sudden appearance. She tossed and turned in bed for nearly an hour, unable to sleep at all. Like Wang Bo, she had been having some kind of psychological struggle in her heart. An hour later, Liang Ya was exhausted both physically and mentally, and was about to fall asleep. She didn’t expect a shadow to suddenly appear in front of her eyes. The person who came was none other than the lover she thought about day and night, Wang Bo! Liang Ya was suddenly surprised and happy. While she was pleasantly surprised, she was also quite nervous. She was afraid that Zhong Jiahui, who was sleeping with her on her back, would turn over and find something, so now she didn’t dare to move at all.
Wang Bo didn’t dare to speak, he just looked quietly at Chi Chi’s delicate and flawless face, which was less than twenty centimeters away from him. At this time, the girl was biting her lip slightly with her white teeth, and she was also staring at him. The two looked at each other, communicating silently in the quiet night.
/“Are you asleep, Xiaoya?” Wang Bo asked with his eyes.
“I can’t sleep, Xiaobo.” Liang Ya answered with her eyes.
“Hehe, why don’t you look for sleep?” Wang Bo smiled and continued to ask with his eyes.
“Why do you think it is?” The girl blinked and asked playfully.
“Do you miss me?”
“You are so beautiful! Who missed you!” The girl lowered her eyes and said shyly.
“You didn’t miss me? Then why are you blushing!”
“No!” ”
Really not? Then I’m going to test it with my hands!” Wang Bo said in his heart, moving his hands according to his heart, and started to stretch out a hand , to touch Liang Ya’s little face. He was thinking that if Liang Ya shook her head and refused to let him touch her, he would retreat, return to the sofa in the small living room, cover her with a blanket and sleep. If the girl doesn’t refuse, what will she do next? Does that even need to be said?
One inch, two inches, three inches. Wang Bo slowly brought his hand closer to the girl’s face, giving the girl enough time to react. Under his gaze, the girl kept a smile on her face, neither shakin

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