playing like this, you will really be like Pau Gasol and join the first team in one year.”


playing like this, you will really be like Pau Gasol and join the first team in one year.”
After the game, Fernandez looked at Sun Hao with admiration.
For a little boy who has just stepped into professional basketball at the age of eleven or twelve, Sun Hao’s performance tonight is enough to become his idol.
“You have to work hard, the future here is yours.”
Sun Hao also did what an idol should do, reaching out and touching Fernandez’s head to encourage him.
The characteristics of European basketball are strong confrontation, slow rhythm, slow movement, many pick-and-rolls, and crowded basket.
Sun Hao’s offense is mostly focused on the outside.
His strength far exceeds that of the youth team. Coupled with his basketball IQ and fast break terminator badge, he is a super killer in the youth team.
This performance made the local fans in Madrid crazy.
Even at the youth team game, you can see many fans holding Sun Hao’s KT board.
You must know that Sun Hao has only played three games on behalf of the Real Madrid youth team!
/The Spanish people’s passion for sports is evident!
He was proud of the court, and Sun Hao also took some time to relax.
The next opponent of the Real Madrid youth team is the student team, but there is a rare four-day rest day in the middle of the game.
Taking advantage of this time, Sun Hao talked to Fernandez about traveling again.
This stumped Fernandez.
Although he likes to travel, he is still only a 12-year-old kid after all, and his usual activities are limited to Madrid.
But after Sun Hao came to Spain, in addition to training, he also traveled, visiting all the places in Madrid.
Finally Fernandez made an offer and they went to Aragon, near Madrid.
He is very familiar with this place name because the hero in an epic movie is named Aragorn.
Zaragoza, the capital of Aragon, which they were going to this time, was also full of medieval-style place names, which made Sun Hao look forward to this trip even more.
Zaragoza is located northwest of Madrid and is the connection between Europe and the Liberian Peninsula. It is also the confluence of three major rivers in Spain, including the Ebro River.
This geographical location determined that it was a very important strategic location in the Middle Ages.
In its early years, the Kingdom of Aragon was one of the most prosperous kingdoms in Spain.
Later in the ancient Roman era, this place became an important military center of the empire.
With such a history, there are naturally a large number of historical monuments left here.
City walls, stone bridges, churches, bell towers, palaces—
these tourist attractions can give people a real feeling of returning to medieval Europe.
And more than that, after entering modern times, Zaragoza is also the core hub of Spanish transportation.
It is the heart of northern Spain’s road network, a major hub for Spanish railways, and has the longest international airport in Europe.
In one sentence, this is a tourist attraction in Spain and the transportation is v

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