eplenished by spiritual jade. No wonder the monks cannot expand too many outer areas or establish strongholds in the outer areas. Perhaps except for Yangquan, there is no way to stay in the outer realm for a long time.


eplenished by spiritual jade. No wonder the monks cannot expand too many outer areas or establish strongholds in the outer areas. Perhaps except for Yangquan, there is no way to stay in the outer realm for a long time.
It was almost time to rest. Lin Xin stood up and pulled out the red flower sword that glowed red. The reddish runes on the sword slowly extinguished. Inmanto turned into a red light from the ground and disappeared into the sword.
After walking out of the stone house, there were a few more body parts that looked like rotting corpses outside. I don’t know when they were killed.
They continued to rush towards the direction of Yu Jian Nei and advanced for about forty minutes.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
A huge black rotten tree, like a human figure, with hands and feet, slowly moved forward on the wasteland.
“Rotten Treeman” Lin Xin slowed down slightly and passed behind the tall treeman who was seven or eight meters tall.
He didn’t want to anger this kind of tree man.
The rotten tree man’s body is covered with honeycomb-like holes, and flies and maggots are constantly crawling in and out. Once it is angered, a large number of bugs in its body will swarm out, and can be released for more than ten minutes. , this creature is a half-yin beast, half-living type.
The Yin Beast is a phenomenon, a natural phenomenon that cannot be destroyed because it will be reborn after destruction. The rotten treant falls into this category. But it is a little different from the Yin beast, and it has a certain instinctive nature of living creatures.
However, as long as you don’t provoke it, it will not take the initiative to attack other beings.
/Walk past the tree man and gradually walk up a hill. Stand on the top of the hill and look down.
Below is another plain with mirror-like puddles everywhere, and rotten tree men are walking slowly on the plain.
/A huge black whale that was ten meters long slowly swam past Lin Xin’s head.
Whales are exactly the same as whales in the ocean. Apart from not swimming in the water, even their appearance is exactly the same.
“The Sky Whale” Lin Xin’s heart tightened slightly. The Sky Whale is an extremely gentle creature. As long as you don’t provoke it, they will not actively attack humans. This is written in the record.
However, when he was actually under the body of this creature, he felt a completely different shock.
Lin Xin raised his head and looked at an empty whale slowly sliding over the sky. The huge shadow completely enveloped his entire body.
He could see that the white belly of the empty whale was full of holes like vents, and there were many beard-like hairs on the edges of the holes, which were soft and blowing in the wind.
A faint fishy smell lingered as the empty whale swam past.
“If there is an empty whale, then this is it.”
Lin Xin looked toward the plain in the distance. At the end of the plain in the distance, there was a tilted disk like a clock. Faintly visible in the gray mist.
He jumped lightly, soared down from the hill, cli

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