o pieces.


o pieces.
Lin Zhen, Lin Luo and others stared at the sky with livid faces.
All the Jindan masters also looked extremely ugly, but they were also frightened by the opponent’s sword. Their magic weapons were unable to lock onto each other at this time, as if there was no air at all. Magic weapons can’t even attack. If they attack randomly, they will not only lose their strength, but they will also collide with each other, causing a conflict between a large number of their own people.
“Even the magic weapon of the divine weapon level is only as powerful as this.” Porcelain King’s pupils shrank. This sword ignored all obstacles and had reached the field of techniques involving space. This is a part that can only be touched at the Yuanying level.
/In any case, Hua Shenxi’s sword slash already means that he has the powerful ability to kill his peers at will.
“If it were me,” he said unwillingly.
“No!” The white-haired old man suddenly shook his head at him and sent a message, “The Porcelain King must not be impulsive. Lin Xin is not here. As long as he is not here, then these people will not all die. If the other party still wants to use them to threaten Lin Xin, they will I will never actually kill anyone.”
“Three days later.” Hua Shenxi said lightly and turned around to fly away. With a sudden flash of his body, he appeared directly on the outside of the formation, outside the circle surrounded by everyone, as if there was no one coming in and out.
Surrounded by more than a dozen real people, it had no effect on him at all.
Huang Shi and other Qi practitioners stood in the formation below, looking up at the group of monks in the sky.
“If they really attack with all their strength, even if Hua Shenxi cannot stop them, they will never kill them so easily.”
Huang Shan said coldly.
“It’s just a master who has been hired with money. If he really wants the other party to work hard, the price we give is not enough.” Lin Xinyuan sneered, “This is the gap between the power brought by interests and the power that belongs entirely to you. It is not your own. , After all, not.”
“If Senior Brother is here,” Lin Luo clenched his fists at the side, his eyes red. The ones who died most under this knife were the masters of Yanyang Clan under him. There is even one person who is his frequent partner. But they couldn’t escape from this knife and were cut in two.
Hua Shenxi flew far away and soon disappeared into the sky.
All the real people were a little embarrassed to face the Villa. In addition, they had already received the fixed daily employment remuneration as agreed earlier, so they all resigned one after another at this time.
The porcelain king and the white-haired old man also had reddish faces and said goodbye. In the blink of an eye, only a few people were left in the entire villa.
“No need to say more, Daozi, we can understand.” Lin Xinyuan’s expression was dull, and a series of real people’s resignations made her physically and mentally exhausted. “You have tried your best.” There were too many

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