re was any further hesitation, no one would be able to leave.


He hesitated, and Heshen rushed out after Nan Zhaorong.
Murong Cheng followed closely behind, but without saying a word, his speed increased sharply, and he actually caught up from behind. Fly to the front.
“A certain family takes the first step! Young Master, Miss, take care!”
His face condensed, and his whole body suddenly lit up with a dazzling purple light. A big purple ball condensed in his hand and slammed into the blazing sun-like strong man.
A stern look flashed on the face of the strong man from Lieyang.
“Okay, okay! If you want to go on the road together, I will help you! Go to hell!!!”
He stretched out his hand and pressed it.
Suddenly, a ball of golden light exploded in the palm of his hand, and countless round wheels rotated in the golden light, making a harsh metal friction sound.
boom! ! !
The golden light round wheel and the purple light collided with each other.
The entire purple channel also shook, with golden and purple friction violently. A terrifying explosion burst out.
Strangely enough, under the violent explosion of purple light, Nan Zhaorong and Nan Shunqing thought they were dead, but suddenly they felt something was wrong.
Not only did their whole bodies feel no pain, but they were bathed in a warm and gentle stream of water, which made them feel so uncomfortable. As safe as returning to the mother’s body.
After a while, the three people’s vision gradually recovered from the glare of the bright light, and then they saw with a blank look that in front of them, there was a dark and powerful Taoist who didn’t know when.
“Immeasurable Heavenly Lord. The poor Taoist Zhuang Yu is the one hundred and seventy-nine in the rank where the master is sitting. Following the master’s order, I came here to protect my senior brother.”
This man was polite, gentle, and his tone was not urgent or slow, as if he were here. This time is not in the crisis-ridden space-time passage, but in the pleasant garden academy.
“This!?” Nan Shunqing was completely stunned.
He looked at the strong man from the blazing sun who was still bombarding him behind him. He seemed to be blocked by a red-black light curtain and could not go any further.
A series of golden balls continued to fall, like chains that had turned into chains, and quickly hit the light screen, but there was still nothing they could do.
/“May I ask who the Master is?” Although he had a vague guess, Nan Zhaorong still asked urgently with a trembling voice.
The man gave her a rather strange look.
“My poor Taoist master, of course he is the Supreme Divine Wind and the Divine Lord of the Nine Moons and the Sun.” He said, cupping his hands and bowing far away in one direction, showing respect.
I have never heard of this name at all.
Nan Zhaorong glanced at Nan Shunqing, who was confused, and wondered in his mind which expert came to rescue him. He must repay the favor generously after returning.
She was grateful, but also felt a little bit inexplicably hap

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