tive equipment, the original energy will gradually change the life field of his body over a long period of time.


This change is very weak.
The primary primordial energy user itself is very weak, and its natural induction is very small.
But the high-level ones, at least level three and above, are all masters and experts who have held powerful equipment for a long time.
These people are all the elite elite geniuses of the empire.
His own human aura was naturally transformed by the tyrannical colonization and became even more inhuman.
“It’s just that I remember that in Yongxing City, there are no primal users higher than level three, right?” Lin Xin narrowed his eyes, and thoughts flashed through his mind.
What surprised him even more was that this level three or above Primordial user didn’t actually wear any reproductive equipment.
There was no aura of colonial clothing on him or on the people behind him who looked like ordinary citizens.
Lin Xin threw away the food in his hand and staggered, as if he had accidentally entered the public in a panic.
Then he ran towards the group.
A group of people over there also saw Lin Xin’s figure from a distance.
The young man with white hair who took the lead raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, while his eyes were fixed on Lin Xin, who was running towards him.
“What on earth happened here?!” Lin Xin’s expression was pretending to be calm, but more of a hint of panic.
“How come everyone around is missing?”
He did stop, but he was only ten meters away from the group of people.
The handsome white-haired man looked at Lin Xin carefully.
“Since you are also an intruder by mistake, stand behind me. I am a member of the fourth elite division of the Imperial Army, and it is our duty to protect citizens!”
He said this very seriously, not in a perfunctory way. It feels more like treating this responsibility as a mission and an honor.
Lin Xin suddenly showed a look of awe.
“Thank you, thank you. If you need my help with anything, just ask.”
“Okay.” The white-haired man nodded. “Come with me now. My source energy senses that somewhere in this direction is the only key to our ability to escape from this environment.”
“I understand.”
/Lin Xin joined the team without saying much . middle.
The group of people moved forward slowly, carefully paying attention to their surroundings.
No one was in the mood to talk.
Everyone is extremely wary of this strange and strange environment.
A young woman next to Lin Xin found several opportunities to talk to the white-haired man, but failed.
After walking for about ten minutes, the building of the Red Home Supermarket was finally visible in front of me.
The white-haired man stopped and turned back to look seriously at the group of people behind him.
/“I’m going to go in and investigate now. Since I don’t have a reproductive suit with me, I can’t protect you. In other words, if you go in with me, you may be in danger. Now you’d better stay outside and wait until I find o

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