looking at him.


looking at him.
Everywhere you go, everything will undergo strange changes under the light of the glass mirror.
“It’s really shocking that my attribute ability has been simply strengthened to the point of producing glazed mirror light.”
A thought flashed through Lin Xin’s mind.
“Absolutely, absolutely no one should know the secret of my cause.”
The glazed mirror light is recorded in the records. It is a unique characteristic that only the Buddha and Heavenly Lord can have. It belongs to at least the sixth level of existence.
Unexpectedly, he had this thing in advance before he even stepped into the sixth level. Although very faint, this is obviously superficial. His physical body may have reached the sixth level.
The main sect of Bihu Mountain.
Green mountains, clear water, round lake.
Over the sea somewhere in the human world, a large white cloud supports a green mountain.
On the edge of the mountain, a large round green lake is embedded in the clouds.
The mountains and rivers are looming, and the clouds and mist are shrouded. There is no way to climb up and get closer.
A golden crane flew from a distance, its whole body exuding a faint golden light, and carrying a white-headed old man with long beard and long hair on its back.
The crane passed through the clouds and tapped a few times on the surface of the lake, skimming some water.
“Don’t be naughty.”
But the old man tapped his head lightly.
The crane suddenly flapped its wings in dissatisfaction and rushed towards the extremely huge fairy mountain above.
One person and one crane quickly approached the large pine forest on the mountain, passed over the dangerous cliffs, and soon landed in a slightly dark cave on the mountainside.
Three large characters are carved on the top of the cave: Yuandaotian.
The old man slowly walked down from the crane’s back. Several people had already arrived at the entrance of the cave in advance.
There is a faint golden light shining from behind.
This light is not the light of a glass mirror, but the unique holy light of the heavenly gods and Buddhas. If illuminated by this light, a mortal can extend his life by one century.
People who are seriously ill can slowly recover and become free from illness and disaster.
/“Here comes the Nine-Tune Immortal?”
“What elixirs and fruits did you bring this time? I can’t wait any longer.” A fat man with big ears like Maitreya Buddha said with a smile.
“There’s no rush, there’s business on this trip.”
The old man waved his hand with a smile.
With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly, seemingly slowly, but actually at an amazing speed, and he stepped into the cave in a few clicks.
The other Tianzun also followed into the cave.
The cave is deserted, without any decorations, jagged rocks, and streams flowing across it.
On a large black stone, an old man in white robes was sitting cross-legged.
The old man has a third eye between his brows, which shines with silver light. There is also a halo emanating from the back of his h

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