can’t use cultivation for the time being, but can only use pure attribute power.”


can’t use cultivation for the time being, but can only use pure attribute power.”
Lin Xin sighed softly.
He cannot use his cultivation base because the Divine Wind Sword Art has been integrated with all his cultivation base.
If you break through the Kamikaze Sword Art, your cultivation level will also break through accordingly.
/Similarly, if there is a problem with the Divine Wind Sword Art, the affected cultivation essence cannot be mobilized normally.
Otherwise, it is very likely to fall into the crazy distortion of the black universe again.
“Fortunately, the attribute ability alone is enough. Anyway, my main strength lies in attributes. I need to find the key to breaking through the distortion of the sword formula as soon as possible.”
Lin Xin grabbed the original stone and could faintly feel the traces stored in it . Rich and strange energy.
“The kid who left just now had a similar aura that I was interested in. This rough stone also has it. It seems that this world is very interesting.”
This is also the reason why he did not kill the recorder.
Grabbing the original stone, Lin Xin turned around and disappeared into the darkness.
Boom! !
The tall spiral tower behind him that led to the boundless sky suddenly collapsed.
In just a few breaths, it shattered into architectural ruins with not even the coarsest residue left.
A few weeks later
Mansha Cafe.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you injured? Is the Primordial Power user so dangerous? You’ve only been injured like this for just a few weeks after taking office?”
Lin Xin sat opposite Yang Songyu and asked with a worried look on his face.
“Oh, don’t worry about work. Just open your bookstore. Why is there so much nonsense!”
Yang Songyu sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, looking impatient.
White gauze could be seen on her face, neck, and exposed corners of her clothes. Although there was no heavy blood spilling out, it was still shocking.
“Don’t worry about me. Anyway, this is my own choice. I can’t die.” Yang Songyu put aside the topic and asked.
“By the way, I have already divided the shares. As long as my father gives it to me, my share will be automatically divided to you according to legal documents.”
/“You know I don’t pursue these things.” Lin Xin shook his head and smiled bitterly. “I just want to live a peaceful life, open a small bookstore, and read endless books every day. I have nothing to do, go fishing, exercise, and bask in the sun. This kind of life is so comfortable.”
“You are really easy to be satisfied. Anyway, the shares I’ve broken it up, and the legal documents will automatically take effect. I don’t care about the rest.”
Yang Songyu took a sip of coffee. She is obviously a beautiful girl with long hair from the academy, but what she does is unpredictable.
He drinks half a cup of coffee in one gulp, which is rude and unrestrained.
“To be honest, if it hadn’t been for good luck this time, I might have almost not been able to get out.”
As soon as he calmed down, Yang Songyu couldn’t help b

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