ad already fallen to the ground.


ad already fallen to the ground.
Looking at the man who fell in front of her, Princess Bihua sighed secretly, feeling regretful. For the first time in her life, she met a person whose intelligence was enough for her to use without any need to use puppetry to control his mind. Unfortunately, in the end, he couldn’t be used by her. For so many years, I have been planning the Dongsheng Shenzhou alone. Although I have many puppets in my hands, including some powerful men of the highest level of Fatian, except for my father and the imperial master, I have never been able to find anyone who can speak to me.
/“The chess game you laid out in the library is your layout, right? The chess style is weird, the yang is right and the yin is in harmony, but it is a rootless ping, and it will never become grand after all.”
Princess Bihua said softly. He took out a small, strange-shaped hair from his arms, walked up to Zhou Jijun, brushed his slender hand over the closed eyes, hesitated for a while, and then touched Zhou Jijun’s cheek with the small hair in his hand.
“That day when Wan’er went to get the “East China Sea Genealogy”, I discovered that it was you. You were playing the role of two people, but you were never discovered. You are the most interesting person I, Bihua, have ever met in my life. It seems like I will not forget you for at least ten years.”
/A beautiful smile appeared on the woman’s cheek, and a trace of loneliness quietly overflowed. But after a moment, Princess Bihua’s smile suddenly froze, and she looked at the man who slowly opened her eyes in disbelief. , the jade hand holding Xiaohao has been tightly held.
“You’re still not unconscious after smelling my fragrance. Could it be…”
Princess Bihua gradually calmed down. She looked at Zhou Jijun’s red eyes that were as red as fire but couldn’t hide the confusion, and the corners of her mouth slid away inexplicably. smile.
“You are at the peak of your energy, energy and spirit. It turns out that you are about to break through to Fatian. No wonder the effect of my incense against the cultivators in the Tongtian realm has weakened. However, you can only struggle for another half hour at most.”
Princess Bihua She took a deep breath, raised her arm and tried to break away. Unexpectedly, the hand was like a cast iron hand, holding on to her arm tightly.
“Breakthrough…Fa Tian…”
The man’s low roar came to her ears. Although it was vague, it was extremely hysterical, and Princess Bihua’s heart was slightly shaken when she heard it.
“It doesn’t matter if you practice to the Fatian level. When you meet someone like me, you won’t just become a puppet in a daze.”
With a sigh, Princess Bihua took a deep look at Zhou Jijun and took out a sachet from her arms. , at this moment, she felt her whole body fly up. , in the peripheral vision, the unconscious man dragged himself up and jumped into the sea.
There was cold sea water all around, with sparkling waves, which shook and distorted the blue sky. It was only then that Princess Bihua felt a little

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