his neat teeth and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.


his neat teeth and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.
Hearing this, Li Ping secretly breathed a sigh of relief. From the perspective of the overall situation, he should have felt sorry. If Lord Haisheng was a chess piece played by the emperor, the current war would be much easier. However, for some reason, when he heard Hai Shengjun say this, he felt a little inexplicable relief in his heart.
“It’s business again… Throughout the generations, among all the merchants in history, you, Mr. Haisheng, must be the number one.”
Zhou Jijun took a sip of the dragon tooth tea, and the fragrance of the tea entered his throat, and he felt extremely comfortable. Looking at Li Ping, who had lost all his dignity, and then looking at Haishengjun, Zhou Jijun said with an inexplicable smile on his lips.
“I know now that everyone who does business with you, Mr. Haisheng, will suffer huge losses. I thought that it would be a good deal to seize the God-Sealing Pearl in exchange for Bailixiong’s safe return. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a good deal. Or fell into your plan. The Heavenly Book of Gods appeared in the world, and the world was in chaos. The rice grains you had accumulated for many years came into use, allowing your Haichao Trading Company to replace today’s Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce. Tsk, it’s also your hobby to collect, Mr. Haisheng. Rare things, I just found out the secret of the God-conferring Pearl.
“Young master is really smart, but you guessed it right. But that’s the way business is, everyone just wants to know what they want.”
Mr. Haisheng smiled lightly and put down the tea. He took off the big bag from his waist and placed it on the table.
/“It’s better to see the goods than to talk about them. It’s better for Young Master and Li Shuai to take a look first. The Northern Dynasty army stopped fighting here. If it continues, it will only make Dayu happy. The goods in my pocket will not only allow the Northern Army to enter Yangzhou, but also The world is among them.”
“However, the price the Northern Dynasty has to pay may be higher, it depends on whether you are willing to do it,”
Mr. Haisheng said calmly, his eyes wandering around the tent, and soon fell on Li Ping. His heart skipped a beat, and Mr. Haisheng realized just now that this famous marshal who was traveling all over the world was always staring directly at him, his scorching eyes reflected on his cheeks, making his skin feel slightly hot.
Zhou Jijun took the cotton bag, and when he touched it with his fingers, he felt a warmth coming from him. There seemed to be something alive hidden in the bag, and it was moving slowly. Zhou Jijun subconsciously looked up at Haishengjun and saw her smiling faintly and pointing to her pocket, indicating for him to open it.
Opening the bag, he saw that the bag was divided into three compartments. There was a scroll in the first compartment. Zhou Jijun took out the scroll and unfolded it, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.
“The surrender letters from the major merchant hou

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