u and Professor Stephen and Dr. Charlene Take a first-class flight to New York and have a good rest. Then transfer to a cruise ship to enjoy the sea breeze and easily go to an island in another world.


u and Professor Stephen and Dr. Charlene Take a first-class flight to New York and have a good rest. Then transfer to a cruise ship to enjoy the sea breeze and easily go to an island in another world.
But the current situation is too…”
“Aren’t there still five large battleships in the gathering place? Guard?
/Besides, although ‘Hai Xia B1 Island’ has an area of ??more than 30,000 square kilometers, judging from the barter situation of the natives, it should not be a long and narrow terrain, and the species distribution is very even. Logically speaking, even if there is The migration of animals will not be very obvious.
What special situation makes people there panic?”
Zhang Lisheng’s question immediately stunned Mark, and he looked at the young man carefully for a while again. Suddenly he asked: “Sir, it sounds like you know ‘Hai Xia B1 Island’ much better than I do. Have you been there?” “Been there
once as a ‘future investor’. Then It’s a beautiful island, but of course it’s also dangerous.
As a biologist and businessman, I was deeply impressed by the two-hour visit.” ”
You can learn so much in two hours. This is amazing. It’s really surprising.”
“Major, I feel that after two hours of understanding, there are hundreds of new cowboys who went to the ‘Ocean Shrimp B1 Island’ on the same boat as me, which is even more surprising. Surprised.”
“Oh, Mr. Li Sheng, so now they think about it and become panicked.” The major shrugged his shoulders and answered the young man’s question tactfully without saying anything more.
Seeing that the officer avoided answering his questions, Zhang Lisheng stopped asking any more questions, huddled in the corner of the airport, closed his eyes and rested his mind.
I don’t know how long it took, but he was woken up by a gentle female voice, “Li Sheng, Li Sheng, it’s time to get up and have something to eat.”
The young man opened his eyes and saw Charlene standing in front of him hunched over, holding a hand. Holding a bag of biscuits, a tube of soft drink was handed over.
“Oh, thank you Dr. Charlene.” Zhang Lisheng took the food, tore open the packaging bag, and stuffed the cookies into his mouth one piece at a time. “Major Martin, is there ice Coke on the plane?” ”
Sorry, Mr. Lisheng. , the carrying capacity of this helicopter has been designed to the extent that it is ‘theoretically feasible’, there is really no way to install another refrigerator for you.” Mark replied in a dumbfounded way.
“That’s really unfortunate.” Zhang Lisheng put the last biscuit into his mouth and looked at the sky outside the window, “Major, it should be afternoon now, how many hours have you been flying?”
“Almost halfway through the flight… Only then did Mark notice Zhang Lisheng’s astonishing eating appearance, “Damn it, Mr. Lisheng, you, you are eating dry food for combat readiness. The calories in this biscuit…”
I just want to ask again, do you still have these kind of biscuits? ”
Warriors like us who use mysterious methods to exercise their bodies and temper their

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