rust an outsider?”


rust an outsider?”
“That’s not okay either. That doesn’t work, what do you think we should do?” Seeing that his proposal was repeatedly opposed by the mother and son, Wang Jichang became a little angry.
“It’s just me! As you said, old man, you can’t be careless about money. It’s better to let our family collect it.” ”
You collect it? Why don’t you stop studying? And even now you can take care of it. Two months, what to do after school starts?” Wang Jichang asked.
/“Old man, you raised this question very well. Now I’ll give it a month or two. By the time school starts, the Chinese restaurant next door will almost be renovated. By then, we don’t need dedicated bill collectors, we’ll let the machines do it. receive.”
“What? A machine? A machine can also collect accounts? Why haven’t I heard of Nan?” Wang Jichang looked unconvinced.
“That’s because you are ignorant, old man. The machine that collects accounts is called a cash register. It can automatically calculate accounts, settle accounts, and make totals for the day. It is very convenient. Then we will buy two cash registers and put them at the front desk to let Tian Xin and Guan Ping To collect the accounts, just write down the accounts every night and make the summary. It is convenient and the people who collect the money do not dare to be greedy for money. The machine remembers every amount of money clearly.
“And this is not the only convenience of the cash register. “When the time comes, let the guests go to the front desk to look at the pictures and order food. After you cook the rice noodles, they will serve it themselves. We can save the waiters who order and the people who serve the plates.” Wang Bo began to introduce to his parents that he was planning to serve the rice noodles in the flagship store. He went to the cash register, but seeing the dull expressions on Wang Jichang and Zeng Fanyu’s faces, as if they were listening to heavenly scriptures, he knew that he was just “a blind man lighting a lamp in vain.” ”
Forget it, no matter how much I tell you now, you won’t I don’t understand what that cash register is. Didn’t Sifang open a Hongqi chain supermarket near the TV station some time ago? You’ll know what a cash register looks like when you take a look at it one day. ”
Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, so let Wang Jichang go and see the cash register.
Thanks to Jiale Food, Bu Xianghun Chat, 150901… three friends for the reward!
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Collect accounts during the day, use your free time in the morning and afternoon to read mathematics, physics and chemistry, and do a few exercises to get a feel for it. Wang Bo found that although his memory and understanding after rebirth Compared with his previous life, his strength is no different, but his perspective on the problem is very different.
When Wang Bo looks at these formulas, theorems, and various exercises now, Wang Bo no longer looks like the

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