id in succession.


id in succession.
“Then, three teachers, I’d rather be respectful than obey.” Wang Bo touched his nose and agreed. He really didn’t have the experience to refuse other people’s kindness, especially from two people who were aloof in his previous life but extremely respectful in this life. The position is the good intention of the leader.
“So, classmate Wang Bo, what is your other request?” Peng Shuangquan asked again.
/“That’s no problem. At that time, we will say hello to all the teachers who have taken the course you have chosen, and ask them to understand your difficulties and put the overall situation first.” Peng Shuangquan waved his hand and said indifferently.
“Haha, that’s my understanding. Things have to be prioritized! Moreover, we also encourage students to start their own businesses in our C Foreign Language School.” Li Fang also said with a smile.
“So, classmate Wang Bo, do you have any other requests? Put them all together and let Teacher Peng and Teacher Li solve them for you.” Wan Yong said.
“No, that’s it, three teachers. By the way, I want to ask: Have the classes in the English Language and Literature Department I enrolled in been sorted out? I don’t know which class I was sorted into?” Wang Bo suddenly thought of An important question arises, that is, since Foreign Language C values ??him so much, will he be specially assigned to a class with better grades so that he will miss out on his classmates?
The three teachers who came to Chengdu were obviously well prepared. Peng Shuangquan took out a document directly from his briefcase, handed it to Wang Bo with a smile and said: “It has been sorted, classmate Wang Bo. You have been sorted into a class. You can take a look at your future classmates in advance. .”
However, his former college classmates and several boys who lived with him in the dormitory for four years disappeared. Wang Bo quickly turned back the page until he reached Class 5, when he saw the familiar names. There are still the same people in Class 5, but he is missing because he was taken a look at by the foreigner C and was mentioned to a class with better overall performance.
/“Teacher Peng, Teacher Li, I have a heartfelt request. Can you transfer me from Class 1 to Class 5?” Wang Bo returned a few pages of paper to Peng Shuangquan and asked.
Peng Shuangquan was stunned for a moment, a little confused. It can be said that this class is specially prepared for Wang Bo. Both the average score of the college entrance examination and the average score of the English subject are much higher than those of other classes, and the teachers are all the best. Although the famous lecturers, associate professors and professors are only famous inside C University, looking at the entire C University, they can be regarded as the most luxurious teaching team. Peng Shuangquan thought that Wang Bo didn’t understand the mystery, so he immediately prepared to point it out to him: “Classmate Wang Bo, this class.”
Wang Bo waved his hand and interrupted Peng Shuangquan: “Teacher Peng, this

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