bear to disagree with her, but he still agreed in advance that she could buy things, but she couldn’t pay for it. Sun Li nodded with a smile and said that she would eat with him, a rich man, without spending a penny today.


bear to disagree with her, but he still agreed in advance that she could buy things, but she couldn’t pay for it. Sun Li nodded with a smile and said that she would eat with him, a rich man, without spending a penny today.
With Wang Bo’s approval, the following time basically turned into shopping time. Sun Li used her unique female aesthetics to choose several sets for Wang Bo from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, including casual wear for spending time with family and friends, and formal wear for formal occasions. Sun Li didn’t buy expensive ones either. Most of them were mid-range. They were similar to the clothes she gave to Wang Bo last time, but compared with Wang Bo’s previous clothes that were not very particular, they were much better, which invisibly improved his energy. The gods have stepped up a notch or two.
Seeing the girl’s cheerful and lively appearance, the figure in Wang Bo’s mind that had been jumping out to stab him from time to time since the morning, suddenly disappeared a lot. Originally, he was completely accompanying Sun Li to play, but slowly, he began to let go of the burden on his mind, dive in, and enjoy the joy of shopping.
/Wang Bo didn’t just care about himself. He patted his chest proudly and told Sun Li to be polite and pay for whatever he liked. Sun Li’s eyes lit up, and she looked at Wang Bo intently for a while, and finally said with a smile: “Zian, are you right? Then I’m not polite? I’m very good at shopping, even my mother is scared!”
Wang Bo Naturally, his expression remained unchanged, and he took out a card like magic, sandwiched it between his index and middle fingers, and shook it towards Sun Li, “Lili, if you have the ability, you can max it out for me today!
” In return, the girl couldn’t help laughing.
Despite Wang Bo’s words of “buy whatever you want, just buy it”, Sun Li also tried a lot, but in the end she said that this year’s women’s models were nothing good-looking, and she only picked a red and white woolen hat and a pair of gloves. Wang Bo was moved and pitiful, and gave the girl a death order with a straight face, telling her to buy a big one, otherwise he would not go shopping with her in the future. Sun Li’s eyes were flowing and shining, like two cold pools in the cold winter air. After looking at Wang Bo intently for a while, she took his arm, rested her head on his shoulder, and said softly: ” Then buy a down jacket. I just saw a black down jacket in the Ladies’ Hall on the third floor, and it feels pretty good.”
/Sun Li separated from Wang Bo at six o’clock in the afternoon and went to see her mother. She didn’t even bring her travel bag or the down jacket Wang Bo bought for her, but put them in the “Manguo International Apartment” where Wang Bo would stay tonight. Manguo International Apartment is located near Chunxi Road, which is the real city center of the city. Taking advantage of this shopping trip, Wang Bo also led Sun Li to recognize the door. As for his other nest in Rongcheng, the “Linquan Yashe” where Cheng Wenjin lived

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