to make them pay attention and not to expose the special relationship between the three.


to make them pay attention and not to expose the special relationship between the three.
But Cheng Wenjin is a bit She was trembling and asked Wang Bo to drive the Audi by herself. She went to drive his Santana and said that her driver’s license had been taken for two years and was basically just a decoration. She hadn’t touched the car in two years and it would be very heartbreaking if something happened.
The two of them felt that they were first-class beauties. It was really hard to find someone prettier than them in Sichuan Sound. But compared with the woman next to Wang Bo, apart from their age, they were all compared in terms of figure, appearance, and temperament.
Even in terms of age, she didn’t look old. She changed into younger clothes and said she was a female college student who had just graduated. No one would doubt her.
If the mother is like this, the two daughters shrink their necks and no longer dare to think about how beautiful Wang Bo’s ex-girlfriend is.
“Mr. Cheng, let me introduce to you. These two are your junior sisters. This is Ma Liting, sister Tingting, majoring in vocal music. She just graduated this year. Sister Tingting’s high notes are very good. This is Fang You. , Sister Youyou, majoring in composition, is a senior at the beginning of school. Sister Youyou’s voice, well, is the most distinctive voice I have heard since I was so old. Sister Youyou’s voice has both the magnetism that is rare for women, and the A rare hoarseness, and in addition, there is also a grainy feeling. Sister Youyou also recorded a girl version of the song “Meeting” I sang, and I think it sounds better than me. Mr. Cheng can feel it then.
/” Hello, Mr. Cheng. “Ma Liting and Fang You said in unison, but they were a little trembling in their hearts. Cheng Wenjin’s eyes were calm, and his face showed a slight smile, with a gentleness like water, but for some reason, it put great pressure on the two beautiful students. They Finally, I realized that when a woman is beautiful to a certain extent and her temperament is elegant to a certain extent, she will form a kind of coercion, just like a man who holds power, making people involuntarily feel nervous.
/But Cheng Wenjin rolled her eyes at Wang Bo, stepped forward, and grabbed her. He held the two girls’ hands and said affectionately: “Tingting, Youyou, don’t listen to Wang Bo. You are only a few years older than my daughter, and like Wang Bo, call me Aunt Cheng. Before the two women could speak, Wang Bo immediately said, “Aunt Cheng, otherwise, when there are outsiders, they will call you Mr.
Cheng; when there are no outsiders, they will call you Sister Wenjin, okay?” You are so young, and you look like their elder sister. Calling you aunt would make you look old. ”
Ma Liting and Fang You were both very smart people. They immediately changed their words and called out “Sister Wenjin” twice, which made Cheng Wenjin quite embarrassed. She glared at him coquettishly and said angrily: “Just go through with it. many. Xiaoya will go to college next year. How

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