ere only flesh wounds, and the three of them were all people with condensation shafts, so they were not enough to be fundamentally injured by the turbulent flow of laws.


During this period, Long Aotian, whose strength had surged, swung hard and bit Yin Kuang’s tail, blood spurting out from between his sharp teeth. It can be seen that Yin Kuang’s tail has been lacerated. Yin Kuang himself could hardly feel the presence of his tail. At this time, Yin Kuang could only pray that time would pass faster and that the ancestor dragon’s soul power would recover faster. For Yin Kuang, who has exerted all his strength at this moment, the soul power of the ancestral dragon is his only and final trump card.
However, Long Aotian’s power does not come without a price. As Long Aotian released his soul power desperately and showed his strong strength, burnt wounds began to appear one after another on his dragon body, the scales peeled off, and the skin and flesh fester. Obviously his body is no longer enough to hold Long Aotian’s powerful soul. But Long Aotian didn’t seem to care at all.
But killing Wesker is useless unless it can catalyze his entire physical body, so we can only find a way to send Wesker away!
Suddenly Yin Kuang started to care.
/But at this moment, Long Aotian’s head exerted force again in vain. Yin Kuang felt a heartbreaking pulling pain from his tail. So Yin Kuang could no longer feel the existence of his tail. Looking at it, Yin Kuang saw Long Aotian flick his head, throw his tail out, and smash a miniature of the world.
Yin Kuang followed him closely. He seemed to know Long Aotian’s plan. At this moment, Yin Kuang had never felt so sad in two or three minutes. Now, he can only pray that Long Aotian will find space turbulence slowly. However, luck is not always on Yin Kuang’s side. Unfortunately, Yin Kuang encountered an unlucky situation this time. Long Aotian quickly found a space turbulence. Needless to say, Long Aotian rushed over there with all his strength.
You damn bedbug, let’s see if you die this time! ?
Yin Kuang secretly said, “Oh no.” Once Gaia dies, what chance does he have of surviving? Yin Kuang didn’t expect that his luck would be so bad this time. Immediately, Yin Kuang couldn’t care anymore. He took out the Ruyi Stick in an instant and frantically injected “source” to make it thicker and longer. The dragon’s body was coiled on it, and then drove the Ruyi Stick to extend infinitely and hit Long Aotian. At the same time, Yin Kuang also I have an even crazier idea. If it really doesn’t work, can I use the Ruyi Stick to interfere with or even destroy the turbulent flow in space? ?
At this moment, the wish-fulfilling stick has become very huge and powerful. Wherever it passes, it will explode all the miniatures of the world that are blocking it.
/Long Aotian noticed the huge wishful stick coming from behind, and drew it with a swipe of the dragon’s tail. Under the impact, the wishful stick fell to the side. However, Long Aotian’s figure also shook. However, the next moment, the Ru

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