e had long been tired of hearing anecdotes about her father and brothers hugging each other, and she had stayed abroad for so long. Although she was as clean and self-sufficient as jade, her thoughts and actions were not as rigid and fussy as girls back home, which eliminated the embarrassment. Come on, I can say anything.


e had long been tired of hearing anecdotes about her father and brothers hugging each other, and she had stayed abroad for so long. Although she was as clean and self-sufficient as jade, her thoughts and actions were not as rigid and fussy as girls back home, which eliminated the embarrassment. Come on, I can say anything.
Perhaps no one can guess what Wen Liang was thinking in his mind at this moment. Hearing this, he also smiled, nodded and said, “Not bad, give me a fifty.”
Ning Xi said angrily, “I’m touching you.” I speak my conscience again!”
/“Fifty points can’t be higher, you know, I only touched one.”
The implication is, one is fifty points, two are one hundred points, isn’t it? Indeed there can be no more!
In view of the high standard of this flattery, Ning Xi blinked her eyes and said, “Hey, do you want to touch another one?”
“The one you don’t want is the bastard!”
These should be the most expensive breasts in history. First, this should also be the most insincere promise in history, with no intention. But Wen Liang had no fear, bragging would not kill anyone anyway, so he said boldly: “Okay, wait for me for ten years! But from now on, why do you have to take good care of it for me? Because the right to use it belongs to you. But the ownership is already mine.”
Ning Xi laughed loudly, pointed at Wen Liang and said, “You are so shameless!”
But I like the way you look when you are shameless!
Wen Liang got off the car at the door of Courtyard No. 7, leaned against the car window, and said, “Set
some time tomorrow at noon, and I’ll introduce you to someone.” The space in the central kitchen had just been obtained, and Ning Xi must be busy with a lot of things. As a two-handed shopkeeper, he is really happy.
/Ning Xi made an OK gesture and said with a smile: “Go home quickly, there are surprises waiting for you.”
Seeing her mysterious look, Wen Liang scratched his head and turned to leave. Watching his back disappear into the courtyard, a complicated look flashed in Ning Xi’s eyes. The Porsche made a sharp turn and sped away.
In fact, what I worry about is not how many women you have, but the family that gave birth to me and raised me, but even I feel scared!
Grow up quickly, Wen Liang. When you have enough strength to protect yourself, I should also understand my heart. Then I will stay by your side and pass you by with a smile. At least you can leave it to me and you. , it’s up to us to choose!
Back home, Ding Mei was knitting on the sofa. When she saw her son come in, she curled her lips and said teasingly: “Oh, the young master from this house has found the wrong door. Please don’t come in. I can’t entertain him in this small place.” Get up!”
When Wen Liang heard this, he immediately had the consciousness of surrendering and willing to be a coward. He sat over with a smile, helped Ding Mei roll up the ball of wool as if to please, and said: “Mom, it’s me, your son! I haven’t been here for a day. See, why are you beautiful again? If this continues, I’m afraid Aunt Liu across t

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