r office is the most difficult book to read. I replied to him: Running for an official position is actually a true scripture.”


r office is the most difficult book to read. I replied to him: Running for an official position is actually a true scripture.”
“Where is the true scripture? It’s really the secret you asked! Running for an official position depends on the five fundamentals of “diligence, skill, perseverance, waiting and waiting”, and the second is “timing” Five elements: , place, joint, character, and method. You have to run diligently, do things skillfully, work hard on small things, wait for big things, and in the end you have to be careful in front, back, left, and right. This is the foundation.”
/Fan Bo has always been close to the official. He was listening intently and asked subconsciously: “What about the five elements?”
“Speaking from a small perspective, my wife’s child’s birthday or the old man’s birthday, you take the opportunity to express your congratulations. Just say it, it’s time; at home Waiting, without risking losing the office, the location is right. Before the meeting to make a decision, not after the meeting to make the decision, it is joint. One thing can be achieved if you do it with this person, but not with that person. Sometimes if you have one person less, you will fail. Sometimes if you run more Hehe, Wan Siwei dared to go behind my back to find Mo Xiaoan. If Mr. Wen hadn’t said it, I would have ruined my reputation by fighting for this deal and let him know what it means to have no way to enter the sky. There is no way!”
There was so much cruelty in these words that even in the comfortable and constant-temperature pool, I could feel the coldness on my back. For people like Lei Fang, the ability to accomplish things has yet to be proven, but the ability to do bad things is definitely There is no doubt about it.
But who would really believe that he only let Wan Siwei go because of Wen Liang? This is simply terrifying. The only thing that can determine Lei Fang’s will and Wan Siwei’s future is profit.
Yan Zi once said, “He who has no ability to use others, but does not want to be used by others, is humble.” Since Lei Fang wanted to sell Wen Liang’s face, Wen Liang did not refuse anyone who came. He smiled proudly and thanked him, saying: “This is also It’s all my fault. I talked too much before I understood the situation, which made things difficult for Mr. Lei.”
Lei Fang waved his hands and said, “It’s nothing like a bird’s feather, and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Teacher Fan, do you want to continue to listen to what running officers need to pay attention to? Method?”
“Listen, of course you must listen!”
“There are many ways to do it, such as going alone; going through an intermediary; going by appointment; going by chance. Gifts should be given naturally, and money should be given safely. . Some can be given openly, and some can be given secretly. Some have received money, and they must be honest and honest. Some have received money, and only value the benefits. If you give less, the gift will offend others. If you give too much, you may scare people. People. Some people can

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