ould be said that it is the most appropriate and reasonable way to revive the confidence of tea farmers and solve Biluochun’s predicament.


ould be said that it is the most appropriate and reasonable way to revive the confidence of tea farmers and solve Biluochun’s predicament.
After saying this, even the person who initially scolded Liu Laosan was moved and asked: “Who has the final say in the cooperative? Is it the government who sends someone to lead it, or do we villagers make the decision ourselves?” ”
This is the villagers’ own. Of course, the villagers are the masters of the cooperative. The cooperative can set up a board of directors, and the members can elect board members. The specific charter can be adopted after detailed discussion at the members’ meeting. It must be open, fair and equitable.”
/With someone taking the lead, the scene immediately It became active, and people came out from time to time to ask Wen Liang questions. With a smile on his face, Uncle Wen refused to accept anyone who came, and tried his best to give a satisfactory answer to everyone who had questions. For a moment, Wen Liang seemed to be back on the eve of his senior year’s graduation. He stood on the podium in the classroom and nervously answered questions from the teachers sitting three rows below.
The only difference is that at that time, he was saying goodbye to his innocent youth and innocent years, but at this moment, he was trying his best to control his own life and the lives of many people!
After a long briefing session, Wen Liang put aside those hypocritical scenes and made his final concluding speech in the simplest and most plain words: “In the final analysis, there is only one sentence, as long as everyone is good and willing to plant tea and pick tea.” , my company only sells tea, has income and profits, we are grasshoppers on the same rope, no one can live without the other.” There were whispers
in the audience, and there were many people who were tempted. Since they can continue to rely on Making a living in the tea plantations, and not having to take such big risks, naturally I couldn’t say no. But after all, tea farmers have limited knowledge, and no one knows whether this unprecedented cooperation model will be as wonderful as Wen Liang said.
During the stalemate, Wang Qiming suddenly stood up and said: “I am willing to participate. Mr. Wen is a good man and will never lie to us.”
Wang Qiming is old and has a good reputation in the village. He is also the victim of this trouble. Seeing that he stood up to support Wen Liang, many people no longer hesitated and shouted: “Yes, I am willing to participate too!” “Anyway,
the left is dead, the right is dead, the worst is to lose the tea garden, I will do it too Come on!”
“At least this is a way to survive. I listen to everyone. If you want to join, join.”
Naturally, the old man would not go against the public opinion and said to Wen Liang: “Mr. Wen, we agree with your method. Let’s go private first.” Let’s discuss it below and come back to you later.”
Wen Liang nodded with a smile, helped the old man down the steps, and looked back. From the security minister down, Fan Bo, Ye Zhiw

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