surface, he could swallow his anger, but in fact, it is absolutely possible for Chencang to go secretly and set up a fast food company to compete in Qingzhou and Qinghe!


surface, he could swallow his anger, but in fact, it is absolutely possible for Chencang to go secretly and set up a fast food company to compete in Qingzhou and Qinghe!
The shopping mall is like a battlefield, where the most important thing is the opportunity. If Wen Liang only treats Kuai Fuduo as an ordinary competitor, he will inevitably become careless and Gu Shitong lurks behind him. Once he finds a fighter opportunity, he is likely to be trampled and unable to stand up.
/But having said that, since Wen Liang has already noticed this potential danger, and Gu Shitong still thinks that he has done it perfectly, switching between light and dark, success or failure is easy!
“Uncle Li, recently you have to focus your energy on the internal management of the company. Pay attention to the dynamics of store managers in each store, communicate more, and talk more. Kuai Duo Duo has just been established, and we will definitely poach people from Qinghe. We must try our best to maintain the core talents. “Loss,” Wen Liang changed his tone and said with a smile: “But don’t take it too seriously. Competitors will appear sooner or later. The advantage of being early is to be early. Do you know the ‘catfish effect’? I hope it will be faster and more.” Be the catfish that stirs up the sardine trough, train our talents and find our shortcomings!”
“By the way, where were you going just now?”
Li Shengli said hurriedly: “To the western suburbs, there was a small problem at the central kitchen. Mr. Si has almost taken care of it, but we have to discuss the final amount of compensation.”
“Compensation?” Wen Liang raised his eyebrows and said, “What happened?” The
central kitchen project has been progressing smoothly. In this aspect, Si The credit for Yajing’s coordination, on the other hand, is that Qu Rong spent a lot of money, not only recruiting the best construction team from Jinlong Construction, but also renting more than a dozen of the latest large-scale construction machinery and equipment. After more than a month After working day and night, the central kitchen has begun to take shape, and its outline and shelves have been completed.
Qu Rong, as the boss of Jinlong Construction Engineering, has been stationed almost permanently in Qingzhou recently, and he personally keeps an eye on the construction site every now and then, staying there all day long. This is due to Qu Rong not trying his best. Compared with other children in the family, although he is good enough, he is not absolutely outstanding. Especially compared with Qu Ying, the third brother who is responsible for the core business of Jinlong Group, the construction department he is responsible for can only be regarded as second-rate. .
When Wen Liang appeared in front of him and gradually showed his strength, Qu Rong suddenly realized that this was an excellent opportunity. As long as he seized it, he would have another aid in the future and gain some weight in front of his father. .
Of course, this accident was beyond his control!
Three days a

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