s that he experienced from several other “little girlfriends” An indescribable desire to conquer.


s that he experienced from several other “little girlfriends” An indescribable desire to conquer.
Afterwards, the two of them went to the bathroom to rinse in silence. Just like she did last time in the imperial capital, the woman took a shower with hot water and used the shower gel provided by the hotel to clean him up and down, inside and out, carefully. After washing him, the woman began to wash her body. But as soon as he started, he took away the shower head and began to serve the woman gently just like she had served him just now. Of course the woman refused to comply at first and was very embarrassed, but she couldn’t rely on his persistence and had no choice but to let him do whatever he wanted. During the skin-to-skin contact, whether it was him or the woman, their bodies soon began to react instinctively. He dropped the shower in his hand and held the woman tightly in his arms. After a moment, the two people in the bathroom quickly “became one” again.
/This is why the two of them took baths three times and he stayed for three hours before he was able to go out.
After taking a bath for the last time, the exhausted two people hugged each other naked, lying on the soft bed and enjoying the aftermath of the continuous struggle. Cheng Wenxuan closed her eyes and hugged Wang Bo tightly. After about five or six minutes, she slowly said: “I have never been so happy. Thank you, Xiao Bo. But I am so scared, so scared of our relationship. “Once someone knows.” Before he could finish his words, Wang Bo blocked his words with his lips. After a brief kiss, Wang Bo gently stroked the woman’s smooth, delicate and moist cheeks with his fingers, her straight and delicate nose, which was very similar to Cheng Wenjin’s, and the faint crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes, and gave her a reassurance. With a big smile, she said:
“Don’t worry, Wenxuan. Let’s just be more careful in the future. Besides, I’m also very happy, and I was very satisfied just now.”
“Really?” A trace of wonder flashed across the woman’s face, and she raised her head. Looking at Wang Bo, he said eagerly. After asking, he realized that what he just said was too obvious. His eyes hurriedly slid to the side, and his pretty face suddenly showed a blush like a girl.
“Of course! Whether it’s physically or mentally! Didn’t you see how ferocious I was just now?” Wang Bo smiled, lowered his head and kissed the wrinkles at the corners of the woman’s eyes. At this moment, in his eyes, these few lines Light crow’s feet not only do not make a woman look older, but exude a timeless mature charm.
Wang Bo’s words made Cheng Wenxuan’s face become even more ashamed, but there was a touch of relief in her brown eyes. The smile at the corner of her mouth began to expand continuously, like a drop of thick ink dripping into a bowl of warm water, rippling rapidly. . The woman spread her palms flat, placed them on Wang Bo’s broad chest, and stroked them gently. After a while, she said with a deep sense of shame:
“I’m just worried that I won’t be able to let you e

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