apers. Wen Liang went to find Zuo Yuxi after the exam, and then Zuo Yuxi came forward to find the group leader of the first grade. Everything was done silently.


After cleaning, assigning holiday homework, all teachers and students of the school held a meeting, and handed out various certificates. After all this was done, Wen Liang went to Class 10 to find Tan Yu. When he passed the door of Class 6, he saw Huang Gang running out of the classroom with a panicked expression. Walking slowly, I fell down the steps and fell to the ground. The certificate in my hand flew far away, but I didn’t stop for a moment, got up, picked up the certificate and ran outside the school.
Wen Liang looked at Huang Gang’s back, sighed, turned around and followed him out. After leaving the school gate, Huang Gang was standing under the bus stop sign on the opposite side of the road. The anxiety on his face was clearly visible. Wen Liang walked over and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Seeing that it was Wen Liang, Huang Gang’s eyes turned red and he said, “My dad , my father is critically ill.”
Just now, the hospital called the head teacher’s home, and the head teacher informed her of the bad news. The girl choked up and was speechless. Wen Liang couldn’t guess what happened, and scolded: “Then what are you doing? Waiting for the bus? Take a taxi and leave quickly.”
“I, I don’t have any money with me, and I forgot to borrow it from my classmates just now.”
Wen Liang stopped a taxi without saying a word, pulled her to sit in the back row, and said, ” Which hospital?”
“People’s Hospital”
“Master, go to the People’s Hospital and we’ll be there in ten minutes. I’ll give you five hundred yuan!”
The driver’s eyes shot out a green light and said: “Sit tight and let’s go! Ten minutes later, Wen Liang threw a stack of money into the car, took Huang Gang’s hand
and ran all the way. The moment he opened the door, he saw the doctor covering the patient’s head with a thin white quilt.
/There were several men and women standing in the ward, they should be relatives of Huang Gang. The men looked sad, but the women covered their mouths to hold back their cries. Huang Gang’s legs went weak, and he knelt at the door with a plop, tears gushing out like springs, a little. The drops were dripped on the certificate in his hand, and it quickly became wet.
There is nothing more tragic in the world than having a son who wants to raise him but his mother is not there. Huang Gang just wanted his father to see him get good grades before he died, but this wish finally came to nothing. Wen Liang couldn’t bear it, so he left the ward and sat on a chair in the corridor. Suddenly a voice said: “Wen Liang, why are you here?”
(83rd last month, finally remained in the top 100, great progress, thank all brothers for their support)
Wen Liang looked up and stood up , smiled and said: “Teacher Qin, what a coincidence!” The person
who came was Qin Yin, who had helped Wen Liang before. She was wearing a black woolen coat, a hat and a scarf. Only her nose and eyebro

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