Ding Mei just walked down a few steps, turned around in response, looked over sideways, and sneered. “Is your skin itchy?”


Ding Mei just walked down a few steps, turned around in response, looked over sideways, and sneered. “Is your skin itchy?”
Wen Liang shuddered, swallowed the rest of his words, and said with a smile, “Mom, you’re good to go!”
New teacher? Not a substitute class, nor an open class, a new teacher?
The students looked at each other in confusion, talking about everything for a while.
“Where’s Teacher Ye? Why doesn’t Teacher Ye come?”
/“That’s right, why doesn’t Teacher Ye come to class? He didn’t come to the class meeting yesterday, and he’s still not coming today?”
“Teacher Huang, it’s not that we don’t welcome you, but we like Ye more. Teacher’s class.”
The boys were merciless and didn’t give Huang Mei any face. The girls were soft-hearted after all and spoke much softer, but they pointed to the essence of the problem: “Is Teacher Ye sick?”
/“Teacher Ye is. Did you ask for leave because of something at home?”
“Teacher Huang, how many days are you going to take the place of class?”
Even Ji Su couldn’t help but look worried. He touched Wen Liang with his arm and asked, “Teacher Ye is really sick. ? But there was someone who came to class yesterday morning.”
Under normal circumstances, the school will not change teachers easily, especially Ye Yuting is also the class teacher of Class 3. It is common for someone to take over the class occasionally when she is sick or has something to do. To say that adjustments will be made suddenly, everyone I’m still half-convinced. How long has school started?
Wen Liang’s face was calm, he looked down at the textbook and said nothing. Ji Su was a little surprised, and his long eyelashes twitched, as if he noticed something, and then he became quiet.
Huang Mei pressed her hands in the air a few times, not minding the messy scene in the audience at all, and said with a smile: “Seeing Teacher Ye’s lofty status in your hearts, I feel very jealous. However, I am confident that in the future In the days that come, I will gradually narrow the gap with Teacher Ye, and successfully gain everyone’s recognition.”
The classroom suddenly exploded, and several impulsive boys stood up. Ren Yi took the lead and shouted: “Where is Teacher Ye? , Aren’t you going to teach us?”
These words represented the sentiments of most people. The students suddenly fell silent and looked up at Huang Mei on the podium. The atmosphere was terrifyingly dull.
If there is a wide-angle lens slowly extending from the door of Class 3 to the corner of the last row of the classroom, you can see the young faces full of anxiety and surprise. Even in the eyes of a few girls, there is a faint trace of something. Little splashes of water are flickering.
No words can be more touching than the silence of this moment! Although they only got along for half a year, Ye Yuting’s elegant and fresh smile, her way of speaking as both a teacher and a friend, her amiable and respectable style, and her serious and responsible character easily captured the hearts of these Loli girls. It’s not that no one makes

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