ence between taking a photo and cooperation, the meanings are completely different.


ence between taking a photo and cooperation, the meanings are completely different.
If this was a dream, it would be too gorgeous!
Wen Liang stood up and looked outside. The snow was getting heavier and heavier. It was continuous and melodious, which made people feel happy at first sight. There were also many street lamps laid along both sides of Baiou Lake, dotting the snow scene and lake. Colors outline a dreamlike world.
“Are you sleepy? Why don’t you go for a walk?”
No girl can refuse such a proposal, just like no girl can refuse the white snow in the sky. The four of them went downstairs and before they walked out of the hall, Luo Qi hurried over to greet them. Knowing that they were going out to enjoy the snow, he said, “How about I ask someone to prepare a tarpaulin to cover the snow and get a few Tables and stools, and two stoves, you can enjoy the view around the lake without being too cold and damaging your body.”
/In terms of mood, a romantic young man like Luo Qi is certainly much higher than Wen Liang, but staying in a hotel Seeing all kinds of people, Wen Liang didn’t intend to be so high-profile and said: “No, let’s go out for a walk. Young people are not so afraid of the cold.”
/That’s right, we are not filming a costume film, how can we still do it?” I want to boil a pot of wine and sing a song?”
Xu Yao teased with a smile and pulled Ji Su and Ning Xiaoning rushed into the snow. Wen Liang took a step back and said with a smile: “Mr. Luo, you are busy with your work, and don’t disrupt your work schedule just because I’m coming over tonight. We are all members of our own family, so we are not that particular.”
Luo Qi agreed, but He was still worried about Wen Liang’s safety. After all, it was dark and slippery, and the snow was falling so hard. He was not afraid of ten thousand when strolling by the lake, but was afraid of what might happen. He really couldn’t explain it. When Wen Liang walked out of the lobby, he waved to a clever male waiter and whispered: “Just watch from a distance in the back. Forget it if nothing happens. If there is any emergency, please notify me immediately!
” The snow in different people presents different scenes in the eyes of different people, so some people love snow, some people hate snow, some people are inspired by the snow, and some people are discouraged by the snow. Often the most important thing is not where you are, but who you are standing next to. With whom.
“Hey, there are steps here. Hey, hey, slow down!”
Xu Yao, who was walking in the front, stumbled on the stone steps covered by the snow. She leaned forward and back, not forgetting to warn the people behind her. Fortunately, she has been studying martial arts for many years, and her body flexibility and ability to adjust her center of gravity are far superior to those of her peers. The moment she was about to fall, she grabbed the branch of the willow tree next to her with one hand. Although she was covered in white by the falling snow, she still The whole person will not fall to the groun

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