himself, but when he heard this low moan, his mind suddenly went blank. , turned his head subconsciously. At dusk in winter, the wind was chilly, but just a short distance away, the young man gently touched the bright red lips, just like a cup of steaming spring tea, a little moist and a little gentle.


himself, but when he heard this low moan, his mind suddenly went blank. , turned his head subconsciously. At dusk in winter, the wind was chilly, but just a short distance away, the young man gently touched the bright red lips, just like a cup of steaming spring tea, a little moist and a little gentle.
Their eyes met, Si Yajing’s eyes were misty and her expression was dull. It seemed that a few seconds had passed, and it seemed that a long time had passed. Fang exclaimed, put his hands on Wen Liang’s chest and pushed hard, and took two hurried steps away, delicate and tender. Ruyu’s pretty face was already red.
/Wen Liang also woke up and smiled. The tip of his tongue touched his lips uncontrollably, as if he wanted to hold the heart-shaking touch in his mouth, slowly chewing it up and swallowing it into his heart. Si Yajing’s face turned even redder, she bit her lower lip without saying a word, turned around and left. Even if she hypnotizes herself again and lies to herself that Wen Liang is just a child, she still has no shame in staying here. After all, this is not about pulling down her hands or touching her body.
Xiao Zhengtai glared at Wen Liang with a wary face, as if he sensed that the visitor was not kind and might be his love rival. But when she heard Tutu call her dad, her little face turned pale with fright. She scratched her butt and felt timid. She turned around and ran away with her calves on her legs: “I’m going to pee. See you tomorrow, Tutu!”
/How could Uncle Wen let her go like this? He reached out and grabbed her sleeves. Si Yajing struggled a few times but couldn’t get away. He scolded in a low voice, “You still won’t let go?”
Wen Liang ignored her, turned around, threw the switchblade at the thin man, and said, “You often hang out here, you should know Brother Ming, right? There is his game arcade not far ahead, go there and accept the punishment, don’t think about running away. Judging from your proficiency in stealing things, you must not be an unknown person. Qingzhou is not a big place, so it is too easy to find a celebrity with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.”
Who among the people on the street today doesn’t know Brother Ming? That’s the character who dared to send Zhao Jianjun to a miserable kiln! In an instant, the thin man who talked about the police station and the toilet at home finally drooped his face. He knew that he didn’t look at the almanac when he went out today, so he just kicked the iron plate!
Seeing that he had given in, Wen Liang spread his palms and shook them, saying, “Well, I just heard you say compensation for the losses.” Hearing
this, the thin man almost burst into tears and swore in his heart that he would read the almanac when he went out in the future.
With the more than 100 yuan he had collected, Wen Liang stopped talking to the guy lying on the ground. He took Si Yajing’s sleeves and walked a few steps forward. He came close to her and said, “Teacher Si, it was me just now.” No, don’t take it to heart. I have something I need to talk to you about

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