Liang didn’t bother to argue with them and went outside the corridor. Talk to Teacher Xu. Everyone in the classroom looked curious, whispering to each other, as if they were walking into a farmer’s market. Meng Ke poked Ji Su’s back with a pen and laughed softly: “What kind of tricks is your Wen Liang doing?”


Liang didn’t bother to argue with them and went outside the corridor. Talk to Teacher Xu. Everyone in the classroom looked curious, whispering to each other, as if they were walking into a farmer’s market. Meng Ke poked Ji Su’s back with a pen and laughed softly: “What kind of tricks is your Wen Liang doing?”
Ji Su didn’t do what others did just now. Based on her understanding of Wen Liang, she knew that he would definitely I won’t hit the teacher for no reason. But I was also a little worried. His gentle expression looked like something really happened. Thinking of the boy who could easily navigate the dangerous world outside, what kind of big event would make him so calm? Ji
Sucun Concerned, he didn’t pay attention to Meng Ke’s teasing. He shook his head and looked outside the room. His beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned and he said nothing.
After a while, Teacher Xu walked in and said: “This class is here first, let’s study by ourselves!” The
classroom was quiet, and everyone watched in shock as Teacher Xu walked away, and then there was chaos. Amidst the noise, Wen Liang walked onto the podium again, resting his hands on the desk, leaning forward, his indifferent eyes sweeping across the classroom from left to right. Strangely enough, the young man at this moment actually had the air of an old teacher. Only the majesty and stability.
The clamorous voices gradually subsided, and everyone looked at Wen Ling on the podium with disdain, expectation, or curiosity, waiting to see what he wanted to do.
Yes, that amiable and respectable teacher and friend Teacher Ye is leaving!
These sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys and girls are in the most sentimental season of their lives. They love the wind and moon that they can love, they like the flowers and poems that they can like, and they chase people and dreams that they can chase. They are pure and white. , they are young and innocent, if someone is very kind to them, they will repay the love very much.
And Ye Yuting, the young and perfect teacher Ye, just meets all their fantasies about perfection.
/However, today, Ye Yuting is leaving!
Silent sadness quickly filled the air. Even the most naughty and mischievous classmates lowered their heads in silence. Wen Liang suddenly raised his voice: “Teacher Ye, she is leaving!”
Finally someone couldn’t stand the atmosphere and said angrily: “We all know what you are shouting about!”
“Yes, we know, but what’s the use of knowing? It’s impossible for her to stay for us.”
Various voices sounded, Wen Liangjing stood on the podium, After everyone finished venting, they said one by one: “I have a way to make Teacher Ye stay!”
Everyone’s eyes lit up, and Ji Su was undoubtedly the brightest one among them. But unlike others, her eyes only bloomed for that boy.
Ye Yuting was sitting on the sofa in the principal’s office, listening to the chattering words of the old man opposite. Although there was strong intervention from Lingyang, many procedures had been simplified to the extreme, but she had s

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