u don’t plan to change jobs, how can you agree to this meeting today? It’s just that this person is relatively high-spirited, and he is afraid that he will realize that you are not the one who finally makes the decision, so he is waiting for me to talk to him in person. Let’s talk. , Liu Bei is still looking around the thatched cottage, as long as he can be poached, it won’t be a problem for me to look around.”


Fan Bo suddenly felt a little embarrassed, thinking that he had followed Wen Liang just “at a glance”, and he felt even more jealous about this person.
At ten o’clock in the morning, Wen Liang met Yin Yong, who was wearing a pair of thick-framed black-rimmed glasses in a very private teahouse. He was of medium height and thin, with a fair face and a sharp cut, which made him look more handsome. For a college student who has just left school, it is hard to believe that this young man, who is not yet thirty years old, is already the deputy general manager of the research department of a communications equipment company called Dahua. In the life trajectory of his previous life, this young man quickly made several large-scale leaps in the next ten years. Not only did he leave Dahua, which had nurtured him, but he also started two or three entrepreneurial ventures, and in less than forty He had reached the pinnacle of his career when he was only 2 years old, but he eventually faded out of everyone’s sight because of his arrogance, ignorance of worldly affairs, and an emotional intelligence that was always below the average line compared to his IQ.
/At the moment when Fan Bo was ordered to contact him, he had just been promoted by Dahua and took up an important position in the development department, so the difficulty can be imagined.
But Wen Liang knew more clearly that this man was born with an ambition to be unsatisfied with the status quo, decisive enough, and ruthless enough, otherwise he would not have taken away a large number of core personnel from Dahua when he resigned, and then turned back to follow Dahua. Hua Yixiong, the boss of Dahua, was so angry that Dahua engaged in market competition that he almost vomited blood.
“Are you an investor? Why don’t you look older than me?” He
went straight to the topic. As expected, his emotional intelligence was low enough as the rumors said. Wen Liang poured him a cup of tea and said, “Heroes don’t care about their origins, let alone their origins. Asking about age, isn’t Yin Yong already successful in his career at a young age?”
Yin Yong has two identities in Dahua, one is the deputy general manager of the administrative department, and the other is the chief engineer at the technical level. He prefers others Call it the latter, not the former. Fan Bo had already inquired about these details clearly, including the Junshan Silver Needle he likes to drink, which is also the most authentic tea house. Of course, if Wen Liang can’t even handle this little thing, what’s the point of keeping Fan Bo in the capital?
Smelling the faint fragrance of tea coming fr

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