nt to the district and county public security bureaus for business guidance, arranged everything, sent Cheng Wenming back to rest, and then returned to the detachment.


nt to the district and county public security bureaus for business guidance, arranged everything, sent Cheng Wenming back to rest, and then returned to the detachment.
Set up a dragnet and wait for Luo Hao’s gang to get inside.
Facts have proved that today’s operation really caught Luo Hao’s gang by surprise. Guo Qingshan was nervous all afternoon and made phone calls all afternoon. I threw away one card after making one or two phone calls, and threw away more than twenty cards. Only the cards for contacting “big brother” and for daily use were not thrown away.
“Fourth, have you figured out the situation?”
“I’ve figured it out.”
Guo Qingshan opened the car window, threw away the cigarette butt, gritted his teeth and said, “The problem lies with the little bastard who delivered the goods. He was cowardly and disobedient. , the news was so tight that he stopped working, and he actually delivered goods to a customer behind our back. The bastard named Li must have targeted him through the customer and found him.”
/“What kind of customer?” I don’t know how many times I have experienced strong winds and waves. , the mysterious man was not particularly worried, but very angry.
“A lady, I called her all afternoon, and she admitted that she bought something last night, and that a man named Li went to the hair salon where she was sitting last night.”
/“Because of a woman?”
The mysterious man thought for a while and then added Asked: “How did the person named Li focus on her?”
“I don’t know, but she is different from other customers. She sits on the stage and has slept with countless men. She is crazy all day long and the business of the hair salon is not good. I just hang out in karaoke bars, and people named Li also hang out in those places, so it’s normal to keep an eye on her.”
Everyone has their own circle, and some people are involved in several circles at the same time.
In the eyes of others, drug dealers are just gangsters and gangsters. In fact, real drug dealers keep a low profile. In order not to be targeted by the police, they keep a certain distance from the gangsters.
An old drug dealer encountered a new problem, and was attacked by a group of gangsters.
The mysterious man became more and more angry as he thought about it, but he did not let his anger go to his head. He said calmly: “Fourth Brother, this matter may not be that simple. If you touch his bottom again and find out the whereabouts of the delivery boy, I will ask the Third Brother to do the same.” Find someone to ask about his home. If he falls into the hands of the police, the police will give him a notice.”
“Brother, as soon as I received the call from the third child, I asked the client to stare at him all afternoon. He lost his head, maybe There is really nothing I can do, so I went to the long-distance bus station to spend the night. He was arrested by the police because of the ID card. I am at the police station in front of the station.” “Why
don’t you find a customer to give him some money and let him g

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