esn’t know what “science” is “Administrative management.” He had a thorough understanding of what he was doing and said with a sharp smile: “Now I am an official, not a policeman.”


esn’t know what “science” is “Administrative management.” He had a thorough understanding of what he was doing and said with a sharp smile: “Now I am an official, not a policeman.”
Han Bo smiled bitterly and said: “You can think so.”
“Anyway, I am an official, where are you? If you don’t work, you shouldn’t come back at all.”
“I like being a policeman. I can only be a policeman. Even if I become an official, I will be an official wearing a police uniform.”
Han Bo and his wife looked at each other, and then said: “More importantly, Going to other places is not as big a stage as it is now. It’s not like you don’t know the nature of our police work. As a small deputy detachment leader, I no longer need to be responsible for specific cases, let alone the higher-level public security organs. The person responsible for specific cases is always in the district. County-level Public Security Bureau.”
Who doesn’t want the cadres he promotes to have more prospects? Lao Lu picked up the cup and said angrily: “What kind of stage is this? You are not allowed to be the police chief. If you are not the leader, what can you do? ”
The stage is now bigger. I can do a lot of things now, and now I am the leader, the leader of the city’s criminal technical front!”
“The leader of the technical front, hahaha, what kind of leader is this?”
Lao Lu burst out laughing, and Li Xiaolei laughed so hard that she couldn’t help but laugh. Li Jiaqi couldn’t help laughing.
“I’m not trying to put money on my face.”
/Han Bo didn’t think this was funny, and said seriously: “The legal system is constantly improving, but the development of criminal science and technology is seriously lagging behind, which means there is a lack of evidence awareness and even a lack of legal system. Awareness. Jiaqi happens to be here. Let me give you a simple example. Some time ago, I saw two autopsy reports at the Nanzhou Branch. The conclusion of the forensic pathological examination itself is fine. I believe in the professionalism of the comrades, but the examination process and There are too many problems with the inspection report. First of all, the technical squadron of the criminal police brigade of the branch does not have the legal qualifications for autopsy identification, but it dissected the body for inspection and issued an identification opinion. If you meet a serious lawyer, people will ask you where you got this contempt. Legal courage!”
Forensic appraisal qualifications are under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Justice. Some grassroots units did not take it seriously and never applied, so this situation occurred. Li Jiaqi didn’t expect that this would cause legal problems, so she subconsciously put down her bowls and chopsticks, wondering what problems there were in the current technical appraisal.
“Secondly, the identity of the deceased was confirmed without identifying the deceased’s close relatives and without extracting biological samples for DNA identification. The procuratorate did not return the request for supplementary evi

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