Not happy at all, a high-ranking military officer in Liangzhuang was transferred to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. As an old secretary who “pays attention” to these issues, he cannot ignore it. Today, the Organization Department of the municipal party committee sent Chang Yuanjian to the Public Security Bureau to take office. After that, the party committee would start to study the division of labor, so he dragged Lao Ma and Lao Cui over early to wait for news.


Not happy at all, a high-ranking military officer in Liangzhuang was transferred to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. As an old secretary who “pays attention” to these issues, he cannot ignore it. Today, the Organization Department of the municipal party committee sent Chang Yuanjian to the Public Security Bureau to take office. After that, the party committee would start to study the division of labor, so he dragged Lao Ma and Lao Cui over early to wait for news.
In fact, not only did the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee send Chang Yuanjian to take office today, but the Municipal Public Security Bureau has also undergone major adjustments in unit establishment and personnel during this period. The detachment leader, detachment political commissar and leaders of the district and county public security bureaus have all left. In a while, it will be There is “big” news.
Li Xiaolei was not very interested in these things, but it would be nice to have a fellow from Liangzhuang among the leaders of the municipal bureau. He took the time to finish his work, took Xiao Xuxu to the next door to feed him, and coaxed him to sleep before returning to the office.
/The little guy was taken away by his grandma and grandma. Lao Lu was bored and simply made Kung Fu tea in a disciplined manner.
I learned from Mr. Han that he was very serious and serious, and his movements were meticulous. Chairman Ma and Deputy Secretary Cui were very envious and started learning with great interest. Li Xiaolei wanted to laugh when she saw them making tea. After whispering to Wang Yan for a while, the phone finally rang and the news finally came.
“Han Bo, Secretary Lu, Chairman Ma, and Secretary Cui are all here. Liu Suo and Wang Yan are also here. I’m on speakerphone. You tell them.”
/There is no way, he cares about this.
Han Bo closed the car door and looked at Chang Yuanjian who was standing at the gate chatting and laughing with the Tang Bureau. He decided to whet Lao Lu’s appetite: “Secretary Lu, Chairman Ma, Secretary Cui, I, Han Bo, this time the adjustment is very big, the Municipal Bureau The functions have been adjusted. The superiors have clearly stipulated that the investigation functions of tax-related smuggling criminal cases and non-tax-related smuggling criminal cases in the supervision area will be assigned to the Nangang Customs Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch, and it is also clear that the municipal bureau will investigate and handle economic (tax-related) cases Functions.”
“That’s it?” Lao Lu didn’t care about this. He just wanted to know whether Chang Yuanjian became the deputy director.
“It’s not just that.”
Han Bo suppressed a smile and said seriously: “The Information Technology Department was divided into two, becoming the Information Communications Department and the Science and Technology Department; an external liaison office was established; the Traffic Patrol Detachment was renamed the Patrol Anti-Riot Detachment; the Technical Investigation Detachment was renamed The oper

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