a good idea. Good steel should be used on the blade.”


a good idea. Good steel should be used on the blade.”
When the two leaders of the Political and Legal Committee were discussing Han Bo’s In the future, Han Bo was sitting in a van on the side of a rural road in Xinsha Town, Zhangwan City. He looked at an old factory building in the distance with a telescope under the dark filmed glass.
/There was a reason for the rush to come back the night before yesterday. The thief monkey who had been missing for several days finally got news. It turned out that Jiang Hui was Jiang Hui. It turned out that Jiang Hui ran north to apply for a driver’s license.
Not only did he show up now, he even bought a second-hand car and drove it to Zhangwan via Nangang Ferry, intending to meet the other two and get his stolen money back. His identity has been exposed. If nothing happens, he will ditch the thief monkey and run away after getting the money.
/“Dong Liang Dong Liang, report the situation.”
“Dong Yao Dong Yao, I am Dong Liang. We can only see the office from here. They entered the workshop and don’t know what’s going on inside.”
“Dong San Dong San, from your point of view Can you see the workshop clearly?”
“Report to the cave, it’s too far away to see clearly.”
More than 40 police officers are ambushed within one kilometer. With just one order, the comrades will rush to the factory to arrest people without hesitation. Now The problem is whether the information is accurate. If Jiang Hui had not told the truth to Te Qing, this was not a drug manufacturing factory, and all the previous days of fear would have been in vain.
Bian Yaoxin couldn’t make up his mind, so he turned around and asked, “Detachment Han, are you going to arrest him?”
What Han Bo was worried about was not whether he would miss the target, but whether the suspect had a weapon in his hand.
Cheng Wenming’s incident was too touching. Han Bo didn’t want any more comrades to be injured or even sacrificed. He raised his telescope again and said, “Wait a little longer, but the third and fourth groups can move forward and be ready to attack at any time.”
Following Bian Yaoxin’s order, a box truck slowly drove forward for more than 40 meters and stopped at On the roadside about ten meters away from the factory gate, the driver jumped out of the car and pretended to go to a roadside shop to buy something. Immediately afterwards, a van drove from west to east and stopped at the back door of the old factory building.
The people inside were so engrossed that they were unaware of what was happening outside the courtyard walls.
A tall and thin man banged the empty paint bucket and roared in a stern voice: “Brother Hui, is it so easy to make money, is it so easy to sell the goods? We are a paint factory. If we don’t have paint, will others do it? I doubt that these things are all money.”
“Ajun, you think I just came out to work. I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. How much can these things cost? I will arrange the shipment to the northwest in 2020. Yes, I have 150,000 yuan in that batc

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