t Yuan Xiaojun who bullies the vegetable wholesale market, Xia Limin who runs a shipping station, and those gangs organized by minors, are all responsible for this special anti-gang operation. The target of the attack.”


t Yuan Xiaojun who bullies the vegetable wholesale market, Xia Limin who runs a shipping station, and those gangs organized by minors, are all responsible for this special anti-gang operation. The target of the attack.”
“Please rest assured, Director Han, as long as there are people and enough funds, I, Chen Baichuan, will resolutely complete the task!” ”
There are plenty of people, there are so many professional policemen in the patrol team, you can choose from them, and I will borrow the funds from the regional public security bureau. As for You should know why you borrowed it instead of transferring it directly from the county bureau. In short, you must be cautious and never alert the snake.”
“Bureau Han, what about me?”
“Your anti-drug team is located in the Armed Police Department. Squadron, I have helped you to say hello to the leader of their detachment. The personnel are also drawn from the patrol team, and the funds are provided by the regional public security bureau first. Drug dealers must be severely punished, and drug addicts must find out the bottom line by every means, and when the time is right, they can consolidate the network and organize the police force. Arrest them at the same time.”
/Either the director would remain motionless, or he would be thunderous if he moved.
Wei Xiaopeng was so excited that he couldn’t help but remind him after thinking about it: “Han Bureau, if we transfer so many business editors at once, will it alert those guys?” Do
you think I am “making it bigger and stronger” The security company only does good security and makes money from banks and credit unions?
Han Bo patted him on the shoulder and said with a half-smile: “The security company has hired more than 80 people, and they will recruit more people next time. The special patrol brigade only has one frame. Next, we need to fully staff and recruit more special agents. I understand.” It is difficult for many students from the Provincial Police Academy and Judicial Police School to join the police at once. I plan to ask dozens of students to come over. There are many problems in the Forest Public Security Bureau, and the law enforcement team needs to be rectified. All of them should be brought to the patrol team to concentrate on learning and Training, and the old comrades who return to work also receive corresponding training before they can take up their posts. There are people from this group and that group. Just think about it and you will know how chaotic it is. When the time comes, you will find an excuse and say it is too noisy and complicated, comrade We can’t study with peace of mind. Find them a cleaner place and take them away naturally. We have been studying intensively for so many days, and we are really trying to find ways to help the business policemen solve the establishment problem. I will do something else after I come back. If there is any movement, those black sheep shouldn’t be suspicious.”
/His immediate boss was on a business trip. After attending the anti-drug work meeting

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