resides over the daily work of the bureau.


resides over the daily work of the bureau.
Deputy Director Liu Guijun is no longer in charge of criminal investigation and public security. He is now in charge of the equipment finance department and is responsible for auditing and performance appraisal. At the same time, he assists the political commissar in the daily work of the bureau, and is equivalent to the deputy director in charge of logistics.
Deputy Director Zhang Xiangyang will not adjust his division of labor and will still be in charge of the Political Security Brigade, Internal Security Brigade, Patrol Brigade and Security Company.
With the approval of the county party committee, Chen Baichuan, captain of the criminal police brigade, was appointed deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. Xiang Tianyu, captain of the Public Security Brigade, was appointed as a member of the Bureau’s Party Committee. The Chengdong Police Station is a key unit. Director Wang Dahai, like Xiang Tianyu, has been admitted to the bureau’s party committee.
Deputy Captain Zhang of the Criminal Police Brigade was promoted to Captain, Deputy Chief of the Legal Affairs Section He Xiaojie was appointed Captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade, and Wang Heng was appointed Captain of the Inspectorate Brigade.
Comrades who have performed outstandingly in the anti-gang and anti-drug operations will be evaluated for their merits and awards after the rectification operation is completed.
The capable ones go up, the mediocre ones go down.
After they deliver some solid results, they will make a major change to the grassroots team!
A big operation had just been carried out, and even Jiang Wenli was captured. The work of the Public Security Bureau was not difficult to say, but the work of the Political and Legal Committee was more troublesome.
The Public Security Bureau is like the four legs of a table.
/Although he is now the deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, it is an indisputable fact that he is also the director of the public security department. The leg of the public security director suddenly became several times thicker. How can the procuratorate supervise the public security bureau, and how can the court handle cases independently?
The superior asked me to enter the state as soon as possible. The key is what kind of state to enter and how to get the position right in the future.
As secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, he must preside over the overall work of the Political and Legal Committee.
Li Yuming, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and director of the County Comprehensive Management Office, is responsible for the daily work of the agency and the Comprehensive Management Office, and is in charge of the office, political and legal team building, law enforcement supervision, legal and litigation-related petitions, coordination and handling of major emergencies, agency party affairs, social affairs For comprehensive management, comprehensive managem

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