m , but the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of Public Security also just took office last year. He had previously served as Secretary of the District Party Committee in the district. He was not very familiar with public security work and had never acted rashly.


m , but the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of Public Security also just took office last year. He had previously served as Secretary of the District Party Committee in the district. He was not very familiar with public security work and had never acted rashly.
The criminal investigation department has problems, and it seems that the security department also has a lot of problems.
All the people sitting here were smokers, no one responded, and the conference room was silent.
Meng Weidong’s eyes swept across everyone’s faces. Deputy Director Xie Zhihua hurriedly took the cigarette under the conference table and snuffed it out quietly. Deputy Director in charge of criminal investigation Song Wen threw the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. Several others had cigarettes in their hands. The party committee members also hurriedly put out their cigarettes, leaving only Bao Shuangping still holding the cigarette in his hand, his face flushed, as if he wanted to say something.
If the leader is usually kind and gentle and doesn’t take care of the work of the bureau, then you don’t regard the leader as the leader?
The lower-ranked members of the Municipal Party Committee’s Standing Committee are also the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, not to mention that they also serve as the Director of Public Security and are their real immediate superiors.
Four unjust cases were almost made, one of which had serious problems during the handling of the case. Yang Yong, deputy captain of the criminal police of the Pingxi branch, has been placed under investigation by the procuratorate. All other police officers involved in the investigation and the city bureau technical police who investigated the scene will be investigated. Several people have been taken away by the procuratorate today.
Before the superiors’ decision was made, the relatives of the parties involved were making trouble. The leader stayed in the provincial capital for several days over these matters. You can imagine how he felt.
At this time, you still have to keep your tail between your legs and don’t want to do it anymore?
“Did you hear what Secretary Meng said!” Huang Zhonghai no longer gave Bao Shuangfang face, glared at him, grabbed his cigarette, threw it to the ground and stamped it out.
If the tiger doesn’t show off its power, do you really think the tiger is a sick cat?
Meng Weidong cursed secretly, raised his head and said, “I’ll ask again, do you have any objections to not smoking when holding party committee meetings in the future?”
/This is indeed a small matter, but it is also a big one. From this, we can see that Secretary Meng holds concurrent responsibilities. The director will probably become a real director in the future.
Everyone reacted and raised their hands to express no objection.
The conference room fell into silence again, and everyone’s eyes fell on Bao Shuangping’s face.
Bao Shuangping blushed even more. He pressed the table and wanted to speak. Xie Zhihua spoke before him:

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