e out of the parking lot. Wang Mengfan, who had followed quietly, saw everything that had just happened. He just didn’t dare to approach for fear of being discovered. He didn’t know what they had just said. He directly thought that the South African police were going to go there. Help the mainland police arrest people.


e out of the parking lot. Wang Mengfan, who had followed quietly, saw everything that had just happened. He just didn’t dare to approach for fear of being discovered. He didn’t know what they had just said. He directly thought that the South African police were going to go there. Help the mainland police arrest people.
The man surnamed Han said “open the net”, God knows whether he meant what he said.
/Besides, there is a future for “opening up the Internet”. I need to give an explanation to those companies. How else can I explain it other than to pay compensation? But I just revealed a little information to Chen Wei, just to get more business in this way. What happened next? It really has nothing to do with Huayang Customs Brokerage.
All the extortion money was divided between Chen Wei, the Indians and a bunch of bad policemen. Why should I pay this money? Besides, they have extorted so many companies, this is not a small amount of money!
If Chen Wei is caught by someone named Han, if he has evidence, he will believe that he was the one who instigated it.
The more Wang Mengfan thought about it, the more frightened he became. He felt that he could not stay here for long. He got into the car and called his wife: “Zhen, pack your things and prepare your passport. I will book a flight and return to Taiwan today.”
Just like a frightened bird, Wang Mengfan was busy calling the customs broker. When he left the house to his relatives and prepared to take his wife back to Taiwan to avoid the limelight, Han Bo and his entourage had already arrived at the corner of Alexandria, met up with the four black policemen Ernst summoned on the phone, and all got out of the car. , enter on foot.
“Roger, come over!”
“Donnie, come to the rear!”
“Grant, watch the three o’clock direction.”
Two yellow-skinned men broke in under the protection of a group of police officers. Black people on the roadside cast wary glances.
Just two or three hundred meters inside, Han Bo noticed that there seemed to be a few people doing business in a dark iron house next to it. The scene was a bit like the white powder trading scene in the movie. Inside, I also noticed that a group of uninvited guests suddenly broke in, and four or five black men with savage faces came out.
Today we are not here to catch drug dealers. Ernst stared at them closely, using his strong body to block the unkind eyes of the black people. He held the gun in his waist with his right hand, and put his left hand on Han Bo’s shoulder, pushing Han Bo to speed up. pace.
It is said that there are more than 100,000 black people in the Alexandria District. If there is any disturbance, they will all gather together. To say he wasn’t nervous would be a lie. Although Han Bo’s expression remained calm and his steps were steady, his heartbeat was still accelerating.
Liu Xincun’s psychological quality was not as good as Han Bo’s. His palms were sweating and his legs were shaking involuntarily. The black policeman Billy might have noticed his nervousness and patted him on the

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