arrest him.


arrest him.
Xu Chengguang, deputy captain of the criminal police brigade of the Anbao branch who had carried out the task of arresting Jiang Lan some time ago and now had to carry out the task of arresting Wu Xiaohui, was not in a hurry at all and signaled policeman Xiao Chen of the serious crime squadron to follow him all the way to the port checkpoint. .
Shenzhen is a metropolis with a population of tens of millions. There are many people and cars on the road. The reason why he is not afraid of being lost is because the taxi driver is a criminal police officer. It can be said that the case investigators sent him here specially.
Feeling guilty as a thief, Wu Xiaohui looked behind him warily as soon as he got out of the car.
There were so many people at the port, what could he tell? He felt that someone was watching, but he didn’t know who was watching, so he simply stopped thinking and walked into the lobby, took out his ID card and Hong Kong pass from his bag and started queuing.
There were a lot of people crossing the border. Several border inspection channels were full of people, and the queues stretched for nearly 100 meters.
While he followed the people in front of him and moved forward slowly like a snail, he called up his cell phone: “I’ve arrived at the port and am queuing up. I’ll change my phone number when I pass the border. If there’s any news, call a new number.”
“I know, be careful. .”
/“What can happen to me in Hong Kong? You have to be careful. Didn’t Huang Jiahui move away? Don’t live there anymore. Move to another place quickly. If you can’t, resign and go back to Xinhai. I’ll find a job when I come back.”
“Go back to Xinhai, to put it lightly. My dad opened a factory like that. Can
I stay in that house?” “I won’t say anymore. Anyway, be careful.”
After hanging up the phone and waiting for another ten minutes, Wu Xiaohui finally arrived in line. In front of the border defense service desk, as soon as he handed over his ID card and pass, he suddenly heard a shout in his ear: “Wu Xiaohui!”
He was shocked. Before he could calm down, his hair and arms were grabbed by several people.
Wu Chengguang nodded to the border police who had greeted him earlier, raised his ID and showed it: “The police are performing their duties, don’t be nervous, take him away.” ”
/It’s okay, it’s okay. Please take pictures of the team, next one.”
Maintain The orderly border police and security guards came over to sort out the team that had become skewed due to the arrest. Wu Xiaohui had already cuffed his hands and his legs were weak with fear. He was being carried out by three plainclothes criminal policemen.
Wu Chengguang thanked his comrades at the port, trotted after him, got into the police car that was following him, sat next to the suspect who had just been stuffed in, grabbed his hair and asked: “Wu Xiaohui, you want to run away, but the sky net is too sparse. Leak, can you run away if you want?”
Wu Xiaohui was trembling with fear, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and he asked tre

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