arrived at the mining area. We should be able to determine whether Hao is there at dawn. The possibility of absconding, in fact already absconding, is extremely high. The question now is, one has already escaped, and his accomplice cannot be allowed to escape again. When do you plan to close the net?” This


arrived at the mining area. We should be able to determine whether Hao is there at dawn. The possibility of absconding, in fact already absconding, is extremely high. The question now is, one has already escaped, and his accomplice cannot be allowed to escape again. When do you plan to close the net?” This
is an urgent question!
/“It makes sense, go on.”
/“The most dangerous place is the safest place. He is most likely hiding in a wait-and-see. Let our special help Whether he smuggled himself from Nanyun or asked Yu Lin to book a flight for him, it was probably both a smoke bomb and a test to see how we would react and whether we were really targeting him.”
Han Bo pinched the bridge of his nose and said solemnly: “Even if Hao Yingliang ran away, he wouldn’t be able to get far for a while. What’s more important is that Luo was just being controlled by the border. Even Luo himself couldn’t confirm whether he was being controlled by the border. In other words, both Luo and Hao should still have some luck.” ”
It is possible to wait and see and test while ensuring their own safety.” ”
So I think we should not act too hastily and organize our forces to focus on a few co-defendants first. Coordinate with the bank to secretly control the funds he actually controls. The outside is loose and the inside is tight. Let’s wait and see for two days. While waiting for evidence from Hong Kong, we will see if he will show up.”
“Wait, I guess
we can’t just wait.” “I want to arrest him. The key is that he is not a common suspect. He should have studied our method a lot. House of Flying Daggers may not work for him.”
Immediately afterwards, I received the latest notification from the provincial department. , Luo Zijun was like a frightened bird, jumping up and down in the provincial capital, frequently contacting old leaders, colleagues and friends, trying every means to find out the news.
The provincial department issued a cooperative investigation notice, and the municipal bureau issued a cooperative investigation letter. One night passed, and there was no news about Hao Yingliang from either Nanyun or colleagues in the province. A large number of living people seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, making it impossible to start.
Everything was going smoothly. Once the evidence was obtained from Hong Kong, we could organize forces to close the network. Unexpectedly, this big trap would appear at the most critical moment. Huang Zhonghai was anxious and looked at the time on his phone. “Secretary Meng just called.” , Mayor Tang will come back at 8:30, and the city will hold a meeting on time at 8:30, asking me to attend.” What the city
is about to hold is not a standing committee meeting, nor a secretary’s office meeting, but a meeting targeting Pingsheng Group.
Deputy Director Zhang of the Provincial Department arrived at night and had already communicated with Secretary Nie of the Municipal Party Committee. At the upcoming meeting, we will study how to investigate and deal with the aftermath. The aftermath

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