ey was. As for why he didn’t tell Du Qian , firstly, he was worried that Du Qian would not ask for the money; secondly, with the help of me, Xiaolei and his former friends, Duqian did not particularly need funds at that time; thirdly, he trusted Gu Sicheng and you very much, even if If you don’t tell Du Qian, you will still find a way to give part of it to Du Qian or to your children in the future.”


ey was. As for why he didn’t tell Du Qian , firstly, he was worried that Du Qian would not ask for the money; secondly, with the help of me, Xiaolei and his former friends, Duqian did not particularly need funds at that time; thirdly, he trusted Gu Sicheng and you very much, even if If you don’t tell Du Qian, you will still find a way to give part of it to Du Qian or to your children in the future.”
Forty-six million yuan, it may be more than that now.
Yu Lin believed that Gu Sicheng would not use other people’s accounts to deposit the money in the bank to depreciate it, let alone pretend it and bury it somewhere like the wealthy locals before liberation. It must have been invested in some way, maybe in When buying property in Hong Kong, you may also invest in stocks or bonds.
For most people, this is undoubtedly a huge sum of money. For her, Yu Lin, no matter how much this huge sum of money has become now, it is just a number or even meaningless.
Du Qi has established a foothold in South Africa with her children, and is in charge of a shopping mall with assets worth hundreds of millions. This money may not even be the “icing on the cake” for Du Qi, not to mention that she will definitely get to the bottom of it and find out the ins and outs of this money. Once she knew what happened to the money, she would never ask for it.
/There are many people who really need this money, such as Gu Sicheng, Qian Xiaowu and Zong Hao, but they are going further and further on the road of no return. If the people are gone, what’s the use of asking for money?
She just closed her eyes tightly, neither admitting nor denying Han Bo’s speculation. Even though her eyes were closed, tears could not help but flow.
The questions that need to be asked have been asked. If she wants to say something, she will naturally say it. If she doesn’t want to say something, she won’t speak no matter how you ask. But the meal was not fruitless. At least it solved another mystery, and at least confirmed the previous speculation that Gu Sicheng had a huge amount of money to commit crimes.
Han Bo took a few bites of the food and put down his chopsticks. “Jiang Xiaoshan was undoubtedly involved. Although he was kept in the dark later, it is undisputed that he provided funds for Gu Sicheng, Qian Xiaowu and Zong Hao to commit crimes.” fact. In view of his good attitude towards pleading guilty and his ability to reflect deeply, our public security organs can temporarily not hold him criminally responsible. You also said just now that we still have some connections in roundabout ways, so we can be considered related. My wife and I don’t want to No matter how sad Du Qian is, I hope just like you that Gu Sicheng can pull back from the brink, and I don’t want to see him go to a dead end. As for Qian Xiaowu and Zong Hao, as long as they can voluntarily return to China and surrender to the public security organs, they will also be able to obtain leniency in the future. .”
Obviously, the reason why Jiang Xiaoshan was not held accountable was becau

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