e, has been arrested. But the matter is not over, at least there are Four co-defendants are at large. Dongguang Provincial Department and Shenzhen Municipal Bureau are almost certain that they will carry out more crazy revenge, and there are various signs that they have huge funds for committing crimes. This time, the main criminal did it himself, if Comrade Han Bo hadn’t expected it first At the critical moment when the principal criminal was about to launch an attack with a drone attached to a bomb, he successfully locked the location and took decisive action, with disastrous consequences.”


e, has been arrested. But the matter is not over, at least there are Four co-defendants are at large. Dongguang Provincial Department and Shenzhen Municipal Bureau are almost certain that they will carry out more crazy revenge, and there are various signs that they have huge funds for committing crimes. This time, the main criminal did it himself, if Comrade Han Bo hadn’t expected it first At the critical moment when the principal criminal was about to launch an attack with a drone attached to a bomb, he successfully locked the location and took decisive action, with disastrous consequences.”
Things related to the chief are not trivial.
Director Yang asked in a low voice: “Do you know all the eighth and ninth bureaus?”
“Yes, Bureau Chai called several times a day to ask about the tension. It was not until the main culprit was arrested and all the explosives were seized that he relaxed. Bureau Dai spoke highly of Comrade Han Bo , In fact, Comrade Han Bo did a very good job, turning passivity into initiative, taking advantage of the enemy’s opportunities at every turn. Not only did he successfully capture the main culprit, but the gun did not go off and the bomb did not explode. He successfully eliminated it two hours before the leader arrived in Shenzhen. This hidden danger.”
/“It is a good thing that the case is solved. Merits and awards should be given. Why should Han Bo be returned?” ”
They may have two considerations. One is that they are worried about the safety of Comrade Han Bo, and the other is that they are worried about several co-defendants who are absconding abroad. I’m making a comeback, I don’t want to be worried again.”
Dongguang is so big, can’t even a deputy bureau-level cadre arrange it?
Apparently there is something that his subordinates haven’t said yet. Han Bo is different from ordinary cadres.
Although his working relationship is in Dongguang and he is a provincial cadre in Dongguang, in a sense he is still from the Ministry of Public Security. Dongguang cannot take the safety of a deputy bureau-level cadre and his family for granted, nor can it quietly assign a cadre trained by the Ministry of Public Security to an insignificant position, or even transfer him out of the public security system, or even make him remain anonymous. .
In this case, coordinating with the Ministry of Public Security and handing over the initiative to the Ministry of Public Security is undoubtedly the best choice.
Director Yang was deeply impressed by Han Bo and could understand Dongguang’s difficulties, but he always felt that if he just agreed like this, it would affect the prestige of the Ministry of Public Security. This is not a place where you can leave when you want and come back when you want. It is also not a place where you can leave when you want people and return when you can’t arrange it well.
However, it was not the Dongguang Provincial Public Security Department that came forward to coordinate this matter, but the Dongguang Provincial Party Committee.
Director Yang weighed it up

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