s would not miss this opportunity. Under the command of Captain Macaulay, the battle formation began to move forward. The Zerg, which had lost its will to fight, was greatly reduced in combat effectiveness. They were pushed forward by the battle formation and were constantly being pushed forward. Assassination with spear array.


When David saw such a good opportunity, he would not let it go. He quickly rushed to the battle formation and joined the massacre with a third-level heavy ax in hand.
“Use the major as the arrow, change the arrow formation!” Captain Macaulay saw David’s fierce attack and immediately ordered loudly.
Nearly five hundred soldiers immediately began to change their formations, using David’s forward arrows and David’s impact to change their formations.
When David saw the arrow-shaped formation forming, he had no intention of refusing. He sped up the swing of the third-level heavy ax in his hand, and at the same time, the speed of advancing forward with his feet was also accelerating.
David’s mental line is like a precision-guided scan, providing the optimal attack option for the third-grade heavy ax in his hand. He only needs to swing the third-grade heavy ax faster, and the third-grade heavy ax will be enough. Will follow the spiritual line to kill the enemy at double the speed.
No Zerg can stop David’s progress. If the Zerg were not in chaos, it might not be so easy, but at this moment, the chaotic Zerg have no intention of fighting.
The massacre lasted for an hour before it ended, and the entire battlefield was littered with Zerg corpses.
The medical soldiers began to look for injured soldiers on the battlefield, while the remaining soldiers dealt with the remaining Zerg wounds.
This process took more than ten minutes before all the soldiers retreated to their respective defensive walls. Next, the logistics troops stepped forward to recover resources.
/“Major David, on behalf of the brothers, I thank you!” Captain Macaulay solemnly saluted David as soon as he returned to the defensive wall.
“No need to do this, this is what I should do!” David quickly replied.
In fact, David didn’t know how much the losses of the last battalion were. Every day the battle losses were as high as a hundred people. Why did they insist on early training recently when the fighting was so tight? It was because there were so many soldiers in the camp. Newly added soldiers.
In just one week, the original number of veterans in the first battalion was reduced by half.
A war of this scale today would result in the death of at least a hundred soldiers from a battalion, but the actual number of deaths was less than ten soldiers.
Those soldiers who were injured but did not have their limbs amputated only needed to enter the genetic repair cabin for treatment before they could return to battle.
/The main reason for all this was David. David killed three level three Zerg ‘Cyclops Beetles’ and eliminated the biggest threat.
Otherwise, these three level three Zerg ‘Cyclops Beetles’ require the soldiers to cooperate w

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